Disclaimer: The narratives in these correspondences are shaped by my personal experiences. They are intended as entries in my journal. To ensure confidentiality, all personally identifiable details have been intentionally omitted from these texts. The possibility of anyone I am close to encountering this page is unlikely. If you find a connection with the information herein, rest assured that it is purely unintentional.

This is all alleged.

If you missed the introduction, this ongoing chronicle is a record of the persistent harassment I’ve faced after divorcing a wealthy woman and trying to collaboratively raise our children.

It’s almost unbelievable that before I can even get through documenting a decade’s worth of harassment, a new issue pops up. As detailed in the introduction, this journal is an ongoing account of the irrational antics that wealthy individuals, like my ex-wife, resort to with their money in order to assert their significance. Rest assured, everything contained in this document is nothing short of the raw, honest truth.

Take for instance the road trip I planned with our children just last week. Our court order mandates that we inform the other parent about our travel plans. This requirement was specifically asked for by my ex-wife years ago. Even back then, I expressed my apprehension about privacy, not because I was entirely against sharing such information, but because of my ex-wife’s past infringements on my privacy. Sharing our vacation details with her felt like giving her the keys to our hotel room. I would have no problem sharing such information with anyone else, but her track record has proven that she cannot be trusted with it. Last week served as a prime example.

As someone who loves spontaneity, I enjoy road trips, even if they’re last-minute plans. Our destination was a popular city about 5-7 hours away. Initially, the journey seemed to be going well. About an hour in, however, I started noticing unusual driving behavior from the cars around us. Having been an experienced driver with advanced training in defensive driving, I recognized the deliberately disruptive driving when I saw it. Between six to ten cars were involved in this behavior, switching lanes around me without reason, tailgating, and even getting dangerously close to my car while in motion. After enduring this for a while, there came a point when I was encircled by these vehicles. I attempted to outmaneuver them, but one truck continued to cut me off. It was a terrifying ordeal, especially with my children in the car, and we could’ve ended up in a serious accident had it not been for my driving skills.

We had to stop to charge my car in a deserted parking lot. Angry and upset, I texted my ex about our near-accident, urging her to call off whoever she had hired to harass us. Despite her predictable response involving subtle aggression and standard insults (likely crafted after consulting her attorney), I decided to joke about seeking help from these lurking strangers. To my surprise, a woman soon arrived to charge her electric Mustang nearby. Upon returning to check my own charger, I found a Yellow Pages phone book placed conveniently next to it. If she could conjure up such coincidences, why couldn’t she hire someone to help me with our children instead? Despite my lone parenting struggles, unlike my ex who has unlimited familial and monetary support, we continued our journey peacefully.

The return journey, however, was not as peaceful. Anticipating the issue, I decided to leave at midnight, a move likely to inconvenience many, possibly even inflate my ex’s surveillance costs. The first part of the journey was smooth, but as we neared the final 75 miles, the harassing entourage returned. Knowing that my early departure disrupted their Sunday morning gave me a perverse sense of satisfaction.

My children, who was present during a similar incident on a road trip last year, is beginning to understand what’s happening. They remember the frustration I faced due to this recurring interference that marred parts of our vacation. It’s not only me who is affected, but our children too. What kind of mother would put her children through this? I’m unsure of the next steps, but documenting these experiences will hopefully guide my decision. My ex, in my opinion, needs to rectify the damage her poor decisions have caused. I’m at a loss as to why she continues with this behavior and how her attorney allows it.

DRAFT: Edits to this document will follow