So it’s like the title says. I created this community to kinda fill the void from the reddit shutdown, and have no real idea on how to moderate a community like this, especially if it ends up huge like the one on Reddit.
Seeing as I have little moderation experience, if anyone is interested in moderating for this community just lmk and I’ll see about setting you up.
TL;DR - Created a potentially huge amount of work for myself that I’m super unfamiliar with.
LOL. I’ve got three already, but if you want to add me to the team, I’ll keep an eye out for you, mostly because my cardinal rule in life is “don’t be a dick”.
You got this! It’s good to try new things, especially if they’re scary.
That’s the spirit! Subbed, and I promise not to make any work for you.
Thanks for lookin’ out, my man. 🙏
Of course! How’s it been so far with the influx?
I’m just gonna keep posting the same obnoxious shitpost, so you’ll always know you can just safely delete any posts from me. I want to make your life easy :)
How considerate!
I’d consider that a Sucess not a TIFU!!
Totally up for this if you still need more! Straight into the deep end!
Welcome to Modville!
I just did the same thing for Best Updates (BORU replacement) only to find out that Lemmy post bodies can’t be longer than 10k characters (BORU posts are frequently over that). I’m not sure how best to proceed :/
Talk to ruud the developer of would be my guess. Or the developer of whatever instance your using. And btw can you link the community?
It’s [email protected]. I think that’s how you link it?
Hopefully the pottery community doesnt get out of control… because we just did that there too. I’m sure it’ll work out for everyone lmao. I feel like it’ll take a long time for people to really populate these new spaces while we learn things anyway. So excited for all the new things happening!
I heard you potheads can go wild sometimes
Oh between the wet splattering clay and dust sticking to those unneccesary clothes we have some fun!
Hey im in the same boat! Already up to 35 people. So far so good though.
Make it 36. \[T]/
I never subbed to TIFU, but I’m gonna sub to this one!
Tomorrow in TIFU…
Lmao same, most of mine aren’t super huge but there’s a lot of em.
I really hope c/dataisbeautiful takes off for you. I’d love to have that content on this platform.
hahaha same boat, except I have 3 (big names but idk how busy it’ll get yet
good luck to the both of us!
I wish your inbox the best of luck, my man. Lol
thank you 😭
(moderating c/woooosh will definitely be interesting 🤦♂️)
I also don’t have any experience with moderating :D but i’ll give moderating a shot if you want me on the mod team :)
Shabam! Knighted!