What’s up with that? Moving back to reddit already?
Nice to have access to old posts though.
One of the mods posted here that they were forcibly removed by admin
Fuck spez man and these mods that are backing down to him.
The mods blinked first as they didn’t want to lose their ‘magical internet powers’ 🤷♂️
The mods are being removed from many subreddits, including r/piracy. Reddit threw in the towel and decided to stop pretending they were community-moderated.
pretending they were community-moderated.
Unless you remember electing your mods, “community moderated” simply means “we don’t pay the jannies, they literally do it for free lol!” It was never about the “community” having a voice.
don’t forget the supermod awkwardturtle is a proud and loud pedophile (no, not am reactionairy “he/she is not like me” way, he or she actually, for real, prey on confused teens and has “retreats” for them) saying this anything about this will get you an instant permaban on reddit
Do you have a source for this?
Didn’t spez at some point moderate a very questionable sub too? Wasn’t it jailbait or something?
don’t forget the supermod awkwardturtle is a proud and loud pedophile (no, actually he or she prays on confused teens and has “retreats”) saying this anything about this will get you an instant permaban on reddit
lmao literally this
m;ao literally this
Lmao I wonder what drama is going on at the corporate reddit office
I hope the picture of spez having sexy time with female Garfield is getting printed out and pictures hung up on all the office walls.
why would you think that reddit’s employees hate spez?
Based on how he speaks to the media and about his customerbase, I wouldn’t be shocked if he treats his employees just as badly
@anonymous_FTP @Abridgedlife @SpezCanLigmaBalls @BusinessPigeon
Well that’s just speculation on our part.
For all we could know. The ones that don’t want to be treated badly has left long ago and what remains of reddit employees are those who share the CEOs views and support it.
Actually? Maybe because he made decisions that are causing public outrage.
well shit, we survive the great purge before hopefully we can this one too
They removed the mod (our admin) and are reopening it to stamp out the blackout movement. I‘m not going to go there at all, this is going to be a lobotomised version of r/piracy with some reddit employee or a spez loyalist scab at the helm—no thanks!
yeah ive always been quiet on the reddit but lemmy feels a lot more open, like i wont get thwacked in the head with a rolled newspaper for asking questions lol
Well said, I actually got dinged a lot from automods using this word “kill” in various context for example one I remember well: “The Iranian government is killing people and wondering why they fight back?!” And DING I get whacked by the automod again for using a bad word. I mean I don‘t mind moderation, but that was so weird I had to self censor myself like “The Iranian government is acting in ways that end people‘s lives and wondering why they fight back?!” to get my comment posted. What a pain.
Got perma banned for calling him Andrew Taint and his subscribers paypigs without the sexual gratification lol. Last time I got banned for referring to myself as retarded when I lost my ass on options
Yes, I mean there will be limits and our admins named some but overall it seems way more free.
Likely because it’s federated instances and each specialises in something.
I’ve seen former thedonald mods trying to get their hands on major subs from the admins.
r/wallstreetsilver is now just the_donald / consoomer neo nazi sub. reddit is falling apart
Would take an interesting turn of events if people would get the sub in legal trouble, after Reddit itself essentially enforced the opening
Time to do what /r/steam and /r/pics are doing. Change rules and only talk about actual Naval piracy!
Who did they replace the mod with
(first time linking a post here, not sure if it’s correct)
Ah, thanks. I found this in the comment chain:
The second mod did it. They did not contact me at all so it seems they’re communicating with the admins
First time linking stuff too, so let’s see if this works:
Worked for me!
Appreciate the link.
actively restoring r/piracy
actively forcing a community dedicated to breaking DCMA by proxy back online
actively trying to get an IPOthat’s certainly a choice.
I said this on another post on this topic. I think this is deliberate. Why would a company that is about to have an IPO want to support anticapitalist subs like Piracy and Antiwork? The saying is never let a good crisis go to waste.
Well, my popcorn is ready, let’s see how that will work out
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Could the lemmy instance survive that load? There’s way too many good posts I am afraid.
I think it can, it is not only Lemmy, but the whole Fedeverse backing them. But not sure… we have the other backup though
Actually, not that difficult. All this does is it uses the Reddit API to download the content and creates an SQL script that restores the data directly into the SQL database of a Lemmy instance. This means, it doesn’t actually touch the Lemmy instance at all. You just run the SQL script directly on the database and Lemmy can then access the data from the database as if it had been posted on Lemmy over the last few years.
The only hard limit here is the size of the database. As long as you got enough disk space for the database to handle all that content everything is fine.
There is a Github repo with a tool for migrating posts from Reddit to Lemmy
/r/piracy is now a compromised sub to me. Not trusting the resources there.
Reddit is forcing open restricted subs by replacing their mods.
Piracy is better practiced irl anyways
how about not opening at all as long as possible until all demands are met?
I’m good over here. No need to go back to Reddit.
very based, I agree
This feels more like home and I would rather help build something up that isn’t controlled by psycho fan boys.
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Does this mean, based on the email I saw that Reddit was sending out, at least one of the piracy mods turned to the dark side, the email apparently says if one of the moderators would like to work with them to reopen closed subs to contact them. It also mentions that they will protect said mod from retaliation.
This just further supports my conspiracy theory /r/piracy is a honeypot. Seems like they opened this subreddit mighty fast (I know supposedly the same message and threat were sent a automatically to all subreddits of a certain size)
I’m already gone and I’m not coming back.
I just got banned again and only use reddit to look at my saved posts, so nah. Done with it come july 1
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