Although Rogue One is coming in close at second…
I love that Disney’s portrayal of him is that he’s an absolute unstoppable force and no one stands a chance against him. All they can really hope to do is run away.
Agreed. People dislike a lot of things that Disney does, and those are valid opinions even if I may not necessarily agree (or agree for the same reasons) but this? Perfect. If you showed any chink in that armor then you’d be fucking with the OT and making Luke look weaker or fuck with the PT and make Anakin look weaker. This monstrous tank of a man? Glorious.
The Survivor fight with Cere. HNNNNNNNG. Some of the best fun I’ve had in a game too because I felt the rush of emotion in beating him. I knew he wasn’t down and out but I hoped I’d be able to delay him a little and then nope. Man walks through the debris like it’s nothing and turns it up from 1 to 2.
He scares me and I love that so much.
I complain about games being too easy very often. The Cere fight in Survivor was HARD. It took me many, many, many tries to beat. The only way I was able to do it was to memorize his moves and which ones have openings at what times.
Yeah they definitely made a fight that made you feel like a Jedi. Not that Oggdo Boggdo HORSEFUCKERY. Or the double fight. Or the double Ragnarok fight.
Oggdo Boggdo is the only thing in Survivor I haven’t completed yet. It’s absolute fucking bullshit.
I came so close to lowering the difficulty for that fight but after (not exaggerating) 5 hours of attempts I finally beat him. He was one of the last things for me to do in game.
Headed out to do more collectibles and an hour later I found double Oggdo.
The rage I felt was unreal. Lowered it to story mode and finished it. Refuse to ever do that shit again.
I just cranked the difficulty to story mode for that fight after enough attempts. We get it, he’s a badass, let me enjoy the rest of the game now.
At least that was an option, as opposed to that one Batman game with the Deathstroke fight that I’ve simply never progressed through.
Except in Kenobi.
Rogue One was the first time I feel like we got to see Vader as properly terrifying. That was my favorite appearance of his until Jedi: Fall Order came out, and omfg he is even scarier in that one. I love scary Vader.
Kenobi was hit and miss. There were moments like when he had Kenobi backed into a corner, then Kenobi lit a fire between them and escaped, like Vader couldn’t deal with that? I feel like he would have like parted the flames or tried to pull Kenobi into them or something. He just let him go, but then we see him indiscriminantly killing people in the streets and it’s like, “okay, there he is.”
I feel like he would have like parted the flames or tried to pull Kenobi into them or something.
If we’re being honest, so many fights could be easily won by simply force crushing someone’s skull or something. But that wouldn’t be an interesting fight.
It’s just hard to suspend disbelief when we’ve already seen him strangle someone through Zoom.
lol that’s a fair point.
hahaha that was hilarious. “Okay guys, you heard him. We’re gonna let Obi Wan slowly get away.”
But only parts of the portrayal. The absolute menacing figure walking through the streets killing at a whim was easily the best representation of prime Vader, but that broke down the longer the episode went.
Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn’t mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.
Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn’t afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see “All I’m surrounded by are dead men,” energy on screen.
Wasn’t there a guy who turned the series into a movie by remastering it into a 1h30m video. I think I bookmarked that on my Reddit account before Lemmy was around ( or before the whole fuck spez thing anyway. Lemmy has been around longer than that ).
Please link it if you happen to find it again!
I think it was this one ( quick Google search )
Edit: it’s 2.5h
Edit 2: I haven’t seen it, so I don’t even know if it’s any good. I’m not associated with or receive any benefit by linking it here.
I saw it, and not the series. 7.5/10
I watched it some time after watching the series, it does a decent job of cutting out the filler and making it more enjoyable. If I remember right they just straight up cut out reva’s character. A notable moment is the beginning when Leia is somehow able to outwit and outrun multiple adults that have her surrounded, that chase is completely cut out and they just grab her right there XD
Vader always knew how to strut
When he showed up in Rogue One… omfg!
That’s the Vader we saw in 1977. R1 showed Vader unleash the pent-up violence he was clearly capable of in the originals.
Dude was scary as hell back then. Even through ROJ, when he lights up Luke’s lightsaber at the Endor base, there was a hushed gasp.
Robot Chicken Vader.
“Uhhgg. I bet you smell like feet wrapped in burnt bacon.”
“When I Left You, I Was But The Learner. Now, I Am The Master.”
Should have used the scene in Rebels where Vader’s on top of the tie fighter as he enters the sith temple to fight with Ezra.
You mean the one where he’s piloting his tie fighter with the force while looking like a total badass?
That’s the one. He has the high ground and then throws it all away to do the superhero jump to be on Ezra’s level.
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“Your master has deceived you into believing that you could be a Jedi…”
…as he slowly prepares to decapitate Ezra with his own fucking lightsaber while Ezra is still holding the damn thing.
Using Vader as the Star Wars equivalent of Jason Voorhees is the best idea they’ve had in a long time.
Definitely fallen order for me, not quite as much survivor. There was something terrifying about “oh shit Vader is here? And he just casually tossed Cere? And now we’re fighting him? Wait, where’s his health bar?” And then you just get crushed.
rogue one mostly cuz it’s my favorite movie of the more recent films
The Kenobi series one, because he acts the most threatening. The other ones make him feel like a plush toy
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A plush toy? My guy you clearly haven’t played Fallen Order or Survivor or watched Rogue One. None of those show him remotely close to a plush toy
Survivor Vader was a little bitch compared to fallen order Vader imo. Spoiler alert for survivor, I get that Cere is strong, but I don’t think she would’ve ever done THAT MUCH damage to Vader. Vader in fallen order was absolutely terrifying and untouchable. The way he hobbles away in survivor is comical. Unpopular opinion but they really wasted him, AND he’s not that tough of a fight at all since they made it that everyone faces him at the same difficulty.
So idk, guess my answer is always going to be rogue one
Is holiday special still canon
I’ll just stick to the original
I mean that’s fine and all but it’s also not the question that was asked…
Well I still like the original
Again, cool, but that’s not the question that was asked?
The meme isn’t asking which Vader you like best. It’s which Disney Vader you like best.
I don’t like Disney
Which is irrelevant. The question isn’t asking you whether you like Disney. It’s saying which one of the Disney Vaders you think is best. Your opinion on Disney does not matter when it comes to answering the question.
This behavior is just so exhausting. So utterly biased and hateful against one company that you cannot, or refuse to let yourself, engage with anything at all revolving around it. Then you have this insanely childish behavior of seeing people talk about that thing you don’t like and then going “Well, my opinion this thing is irrelevant but I will derail the conversation to try and whine about the company I don’t like.”
Grow up and start acting like an adult. Either engage honestly and in good faith with the conversation at hand or don’t engage at all and move on with your life.
This us outrageous! This is unfair!
Vader in Jedi Survivor 2 is a massive asshole… It’s fantastic that you know how to beat him, there’s only one good method, yet I have spent hours trying. This is the way. Vader should be almost impossible yet clearly not.