Is it only me?
If you think flying through space is thrilling, imagine how thrilling it is to forget to save for the past half an hour and see that load symbol slowly start to freeze because you walked into a shop… …
Adding a pic of the merch I got today at least.
I haven’t had any issues. I had my first momentary freeze yesterday but then it unfroze within 15 seconds.
Is this on Xbox? Do you know approx how long into the game you are? I had great runs early in the game, it isn’t until 48 hours in I think I started having issues.
I play on Xbox and PC. No issues on either and my PC play is loaded with mods.
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This is likely also true, I play on a Series X and my PC is well above recommended specs.
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Why did you feel the need to flash your computer specs.
People are discussing stability issues and hardware is like 80% of the cause lol
I haven’t played it at all (at least yet) but is it possible that this may be an issue with the Series S and not the Series X?
I think that may be the case, I’m on the s and it started happening on like 48hrs in, noticed it gets better if I delete my older saves too. So probably related to the limited hardware.
I do think there must be some memory leak involved though, and seems to be worse when Xbox uses its “suspend” mode.
I can see that
Doesn’t seem to be as great a game as it was anticipated to be overall for sure… Not as bad as Redfall but still.
I’m only about 21 hours in.
I must know: did the sandwich come pre-bitten?
Lol YES! I really hope it was just a cut out since I had the sandwich for lunch. But yeah it came with the bite out of it.
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I know it’s not the same but I’ve actually been very impressed on the PC version even with a bunch of mods I’ve only had one crash so far after about 40 hours of gameplay
I’ve only had 1 crash in several weeks on the Steam Deck.
I had 0, but I stopped trying to play it the first time I went to Akila City and it was a blurry mess at 7-10fps. Has this improved at all?
I’ve always used the Steam Deck Essentials (All Handhelds) mod. It’s playable everywhere I’ve been. I can’t remember exactly but it’s maybe 25-30 fps in Akila. It stays at 40 fps in a lot of places. Just don’t expect HD graphics, but at least I’m not tied to my computer at the desk.
Thanks, this does improve things. Still not great but I’ll take it.
It’s frustrating how Starfield with its potato graphics performs so much worse than, say, Cyberpunk 2077.
You get 3 hours?
When I actually play I make a habit of hitting f5 before big transitions or literally anything related to the lodge.
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Hahaha i have been getting one missing eye on Sarah and a few others in conversation. I figured it was perhaps a nod that a need for eye patches are in order.
Pirated copy via Steam, proton ge 817.
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It’s funny, I haven’t had any visual issues, but the stability is awful on my rig. But I can’t complain too loudly, I’m below minspec.
Is this pic from the game?
Like, does it actually have Uber eats ads in it?
Haha nah, they did a promotion here where you can buy in-game items IRL. Some of the items where better then others though. But you will find all these in game except the uber eats box.
The branding certainly on the few items that have it certainly didn’t look like real life brands to me.
Seriously? How can you not see the difference between a real photo and a game? I swear, you can fool people with the most obvious things. Life must be extremely confusing for you, not being able to figure out things that you never would expect anyone to have a problem with.
God damn why are people like you such fucking assholes?
It was a simple question you fucking dickhead.
Fuck the fuck right off.
Haven’t had a single crash since early access.
ive only had it crash twice ever, and the 2nd was on the main menu for some reason lol
Past the 40ish hour mark the fast resume option or whatever its called stopped working. I need to force quit the game and start over at every gaming session on my XSX
Otherwise I get a crash on my next autosave
Its the only game I have that has that issue
As a PlayStation owner I’d like to thank Bethesda for being considerate of my bank account. I’d love to give them my money, here I am holding it out, but bathesda apparently doesn’t want my money.