My 2.5 year old loves watching classic Pokemon. I’ll be honest, so do I. But have you tried doing that? It’s fucking insane.

  • The first half of S1 is on Netflix
  • The second half is on Amazon but you need an extra subscription to watch it.
  • The theird season (johto) is also Amazon.
  • The 4th is no where but of all places… Which is called Johto Champions, so it really feels like the end of the season but it’s another 52 episodes!

You would think would have all this (they have a lot, and it’s all free) but they don’t!

Seeing S4 (is that even right?) On is really pushing me to want to build a Plex server. Having all this content in one place would be very nice.

I do IT work by day, and I have some older 2TB platter drives from a retired camera server laying around. What’s the easiest way to get my foot in the door? Do I save up some $$ for a Synology box?

Love to get your input!

    2 years ago

    I used plex for like a decade. I loved it. It had all the features i would ever need. A year ago i tried out an open source media server called Jellyfin and was blown away. It was so easy i started digitizing my library again. I use makemkv to backup the bluerays (it handles multiple audio streams too), and handbrake to reencode them to a streaming format. If you encode the movies into a streaming format, there’s mo need to re-encode when serving them, thereby saving a lot of provessing.

      2 years ago

      I’ve still been using Plex, bought a lifetime license a long time ago and it’s mostly been set-and-forget for years (except when they broke plex on the shield for like 3 months, ugh). What are the top things that makes you want to use Jellyfin over Plex?