Riker = Horny, trombonist, scolds you for believing fake stories
Picard = Likes tea, traumatized by patio lights
Janeway = Murderous criminal
Sisko = The cooler murderous criminal
That about covers it.
Don’t forget the suffering Irishman.
That’s not really science fiction though.
Here’s the thing about science fiction. It is just regular fiction set in the future.
Steampunk has entered the chat
What’s fictional about a suffering Irishman?
Well since the Irish reunification of 2024… [the remainder of this post has been removed at the request of the British government]
Just a normal picture of a man using his laser razor. Gotta get a nice shave before his duty shift.
Also all characters of all Star Trek shows are portrayed by Jeffrey Combs only.
It’s a popular one-man show that’s been on since 1966.
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I’d unironically love to watch a Jeffrey Combs episode. Credit him as writer and producer etc for bonus Combs.
She’s not a murderous criminal. She’s magnificent.
I forgot about this lol, it was a great episode
Was watching it again not too long ago. Such a fucking amazing episode
This gives me the urge to watch it now
I must resist and be productive
I want to know how many takes were used for the, “Yes, ma’am, his army of evil,” bit. I always crack when he says it.
Oh the little briefing room bit when they’re explaining to Janeway? I’m pretty sure you can see Chakotay in the background just barely keeping it together.
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I kid, Janeway was pretty cool
as long as she had coffee
I like your funny words, space man
You forgot Janeway’s coffee obsession and Data’s obsession with stand-up comedy
Data’s organ solo’s pretty good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45-zgojwMYo
Or Data’s rap song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiRjywbypLA
About her coffee obsession… let’s just say it wasn’t just coffee in that cup.
she either had tuvix or kim tears in there too
Splitting Tuvix increased her supply by 50%!
Don’t forget
Emperor Philippa Georgiou = Ruthless mommy in BDSM attire.
Data = Pinocchio with dysfunctional family trauma
Geordie = “Nice guy” with holo-waifu
Ro Laren = The cool rebel with daddy issues
Londo = space Hitler
… Shit, wrong magazine.
Garek - insidious plotting / assassination / fashion advice
Sisko = The cooler murderous criminal
Come on now, The Thong Song isn’t that bad.
Um . . Don’t make me ask
Janeway - murderous coffee-addicted criminal
Sicko - murderous Klingon coffee-addicted criminal
Lmao fucking autocorrect
do archer and burnham XD
Archer is a dog loving goofball who just is confused that he has the job.
Burnham is from some weird non-canon antifan fiction.
Jonathan only has the job because his dad built the engine. Nepotism rears it’s ugly head once again.
Was Johnathon the second choice until the first choice guy died in a test flight, or did that appear to me in a dream?
Jonathan Archer and AG Robinson were both in the NX test pilot program. AG was the prime candidate for captaincy but was passed over for Jonathan 6 months before launch date. AG died afterwards while climbing a mountain. He was going to be captain of NX-02 Columbia but died before she launched.
Archer is a secret agent who is afraid of alligators, crocodiles, and brain aneurysms. Burnham is a guy who healed the world with comedy from his bedroom.
You’ll turn into us… slowly but surely. Sooner than later you’ll think something looks really cool and then look it up on YouTube. You’ll look up a few more clips then go “Eh, why not give this show a try.” From there it’s a slippery slope into bliss, my friend.
Welcome to the subspace fold.
I can already feel myself slipping, all these flashing gifs… there mesmerizing…
I mean doesn’t this shit just look super cool?
The disco-enterprise scenes were so cool
I frequently re-watch that final episode of Season 2. The visuals are fucking INCREDIBLE.
bro now I gotta watch both the captain proton episode and the last few disco episodes I’m never gonna get anything done…
Oh and the last episode Picard Season 3 with the crazy visuals there? Dope!
Really ? that’s so cool. Idk how often i re-watched this episode, From the moment Burnham jumps off that asteroid and glides / maneuvers trough the battlefield always gets me high.
There’s a certain flow in the visuals, combined with the music and ongoing brabble between Michael and Spock that gets me hypnotized instantly.
I also love that last fight between Philippa and Leland, while the corridor keeps centrifuging slowly.
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It did happen in the show and the Discovery Is bigger than the Connie. By an enormous amount. Those shots don’t demonstrate it properly.
The Constitution sits at a comfortable 300m.
The Crossfield class sits at 900m.
However you also gotta think about the general design. The nacelles are specialized so they’re way longer and more narrow. The neck is also basically gone with the saucer section sitting in front of the secondary hull. Whole ship ends up being way longer than most Starfleet ships.
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Kelvin timeline is explained at least by an alteration to the past. The Kelvin was pretty small but the Enterprise, built way later, would have had the most recent tech and whatever. Including stuff that came off of Neros ship. Some of that tech on Neros ship being Borg. There’s a whole behind the scenes comic explaining all of it. Super cool.
Discovery… I love the look of the ship. I really do. It’s a new and really interesting design and I have been dying for a model for years. Just trying to find a rich sugar daddy who’ll get me one. However the explanation for the ship is both extremely interesting to me but also very flimsy for a lot of fans. The explanation is that there is that Utopia Planetia isn’t the only shipyard. Now that actually makes sense considering the size of the Federation and the amount of ships in it. The explanation continues that Utopia Planetia is the one that cranks out the most common ships that we see but this alternate shipyard typically works on experimental vessels or prototypes, giving them way more leeway with design. It also being done by an entirely different crew so they didn’t have the same design ideals that Mars did. I think that’s a fucking awesome explanation that’s really interesting and makes sense (even for prototypes like Prometheus in Voyager) but a lot of people did not like that at all.
It looks like the spaceship equivalent of otters holding hands so they don’t float away from each other.
Not far off really. They were lining up to deploy evacuation corridors between the two ships to link them and transfer shit faster. Space otters!
I recommend Season 3, episode 22 of the original series. If they can get through that one, they’ll have no issues, lol
I actually was already planning on starting watching lol this sub def contributed to that. Remembered I never finished the Orville so started there, now gotta figure out where to start on Trek.
Thanks to this sub I became a trekkie as well, would say that while I couldn’t get into TOS, these three rocked, Discovery, Strange new Worlds, and lower decks.
Idek what TOS is lol the original series? My dad is an OG trekkie and had us watch some of that as kids but he didn’t try very hard to get us into it and hasn’t been following much of the new stuff either.
Same. It’s like the most active community on Lemmy
I am so proud that this place is too. Definitely happy to call it home.
Its the coolest instance.
Why can’t we have a instance for Linux
one of the best domains for an instance tbh
It is really active, not as much as like the huge ones like memes or 196 but for the average sized ones it’s huge
Risa after someone mentions tuvix
The shit in this community is hilarious even tho i havent watched a single star treck episode in my life.
This sub made me start on Star Trek TNG. I’m finishing the show up this week. I don’t regret a single thing. Thank you Lemmy!
Same, never seen anything star trek related but the memes here are pretty good
This is accurate because it’s pretty much canon that Spock never watched a single episode of Star Trek either.
“Crew of Enterprise finds out they’re characters in a TV show” sounds like a genuine concept for an episode.
… That’s kinda upsidedown Galaxy Quest.
Wormhole extreme?
“Our reality may be very much like theirs, and all this might just be an elaborate simulation, running inside a little device sitting on someone’s table.”
Sounds like something that cartoon version might very well do.
Check out Redshirts by John Scalzi.
I would think he would be well versed in all historical documents?
So he’s watched Enterprise and that’s it?
That poor bastard.
Posts from this community popping up from time to time was actually what pushed me to start watching a few weeks ago. So, a big thank you to you all!
Fantastic! Welcome to the franchise fandom family - large, argumentative but still fam.
Also, this is one of the nicest, least toxic, places to talk to other fans.
You have SO much amazing and interconnected content ahead of you, always so jealous of newcomers in that regard. No doubt you will enjoy 🖖
Do yourself a favor tho, don’t watch the animated Lower Decks show until you’ve seen a good amount of trek series, the series is FILLED with old and new trek references/themes/stories that while still very enjoyable you won’t get everything. Although perhaps it would work in reverse and as you see in old trek what you saw in LD as a reverse reference haha
I watched all seasons of The Orville. Does that count for anything?
That credit can be transferred as either the first season of Star Trek: Lower Decks or the Strange New Worlds Fantasy/Crossover/Musical episodes.
I’ll take it
So many people chiming in that they haven’t watched Star Trek.
You monsters.
Everyone knows Darth Vader is Frodos dad so no need to
No, but he threatened to melt Marty McFly’s dad’s brains, and Marty later went on to show off his Wild Gunman skills to Frodo.
Frodo from Planet Vulcan?
I was kidding!? The fuck, it exists?
Do you really need to tell everybody?? They’ll never give me the ring now…
You don’t lack conviction
I have so many star shows to watch.
Like I have seen Stargate SG-1 but nothing for the rest of related tv shows.
I have Star Wars stuff pending I have seen the two initials trilogies tough.
0 from Star Trek except part of Picard.
I also haven’t seen Battlestar Galactica
What about starship troopers? Are you doing your part?
Would you like to know more?
And the honorable mention Space Balls!
Don’t forget Galaxy Quest
That I have not seen but… the cast ??? Alan Rickman , Sigourney Weave, Tim Allen!?, Sam Rockwell, Justin Long, Rain Wilson… Even if it is the worst thing ever just for the cast it must be watched.
Dude, get on and watch it! Because you’ll be watching it again later, it’s a great film to go back and just enjoy.
For note, some Star Trek fans consider it the best Star Trek film, despite obviously not being Star Trek. Whether that’s true is up for debate, but it helps demonstrate the movie’s quality.
That I have to watch I am not 100% ,that I have seen it fully, parts yes… but fully not so sure.
That one I saw, I never remember anything except the memes and something about a tattoo… I never remember shit about it for some reason.
Would you like to know more?
Can totally relate, I have a NAS media server and I am addicted to archiving media to the point where I have seen maybe a drop in the bucket of what I have stored to watch haha
Just do yourself a favor and like those other series, keep Trek on a list. If you enjoy Stargate I think you will enjoy Star Trek too, Picard is not exactly standard Trek if you will and doesn’t represent the older series exactly as they have more structure and more seasons
You will likely be alive for awhile (hopefully!) so you’ll get to trek sooner or later :)
Star wars is better
We don’t take kindly to your type round these here parts, stranger.
They both had great first series/trilogies, kinda shitty follow-ups more than a decade later, and J. J. Abrams then hammered the final nails into both franchises in the 21st century.
Although both have done okay as TV shows lately.
Whatever you do, DON’T PROVOKE THE BORG
Seven of Nine: Skintight leotards.
Deanna Troy: Also skintight leotards, but less often.
The best captain was of course Cpt Janeway. Fight me
The fight is on.
Senator Kinsey, you rat bast-
Oh, excuse me Admiral, I thought you were someone else
He is, he’s Dick Jones.
Gr8 b8 m8
I think we all know the best captain is SNW Christopher Pike.
I think we all know who the best captain is:
I already voted Jellico, but here’s my second vote:
“Call me ‘sir’, goddamn it!”
Man, I like Alan Ruck, whish he’d been in more Trek.
I watched Picard’s Flute at the recommendation of a friend 10+ years ago. I’m assuming every episode is as perfect. Never watched another episode. Welcome the the club.
If you ever decide you want some great episodes to watch here are a handful great episodes off the top of my head: In the Pale Moonlight (Deep Space Nine), Subspace Rhapsody (Strange New Worlds-if you don’t mind musicals), Equinox (Voyager), or First Contact (Lower Decks)
Would you say one can watch these without context ? (never watched Star Trek either)
edit no I did watch Discovery ! didn’t realize that was Star Trek lol
i can only speak for the older ones, but yes you can watch them individually. Though context makes them better of course. Maybe you will feel intrigued and start watching the actual series (rule of thumb: some have rocky early seasons but get much better after some time).
As for discovery, it is definitely very different from older Trek, using a continuous seasonal story arc format made for the age of binge watching, and being very heavy on personal relations and issues.
It is because of this shit that I’m now finished with Discovery, Lower Decks, 5 episodes into SNW, 20 Episodes into ENT, and 1.75 seasons through TOS.
What an Inspiring place 🖖
We need a deacrynim bot in here.
TOS: The Original Series
TNG: The Next Generation
DS9: Deep Space 9
VOY: Voyager
ENT: Enterprise
DIS: Discovery
PIC: Picard
LD: Lower Decks
SNW: Strange New WorldThanks! I had no idea there were so many!
It is still missing some.
Like Star Trek The Animated Series, Star Trek Prodigy, Star Trek Short Treks and Star Trek Very Short Treks
Zinda, his face black, his eyes red
I feel like this is an easily solved problem 😹