The “zst” extension is used for files that are compressed with the ZSTD algorithm, usually you see them as “.tar.zst” files in the *nix world - tl;dr, they’re Linux ZIP files.
Ah learn something new every day. Good thing I’ve got I got linux on my laptop. Just never had a reason to use another archive format before and had only encountered the zip 7zip kinds.
Did not know about this site… very nice!
Thanks for the link btw
Oh wow, that’s awesome. Thanks for the link.
Dear googlers from the future after the-eye goes down: the archive can be easily downloaded from this magnet link assuming people are still seeding it
Oh incredible. I see some subreddits that sent my down nostalgia lane too link megalinks. How do you view zst files anyways? I’ve never seen that.
The “zst” extension is used for files that are compressed with the ZSTD algorithm, usually you see them as “.tar.zst” files in the *nix world - tl;dr, they’re Linux ZIP files.
As for how to open them on Windows or MacOS, idk.
Ah learn something new every day. Good thing I’ve got I got linux on my laptop. Just never had a reason to use another archive format before and had only encountered the zip 7zip kinds.
Do you know of any good way of viewing the json data? Like a way that allows browsing it with submissions and comments connected?
You gotta edit the link and make a spacing between the / and the ; Because the link doesn’t work unless you edit the link itself…