deleted by creator
Too bad.
Was he fined 10 times the car was worth and forbidden from driving anything more complicated than a lawnmower for a decade?
“Let’s just fine the guy about a million dollars and make him unable to get to work for the next ten years because he hit the tree with his side mirror”
You’re fucking unhinged if you think that’s even remotely a reasonable take. I get this community is about decreasing our reliance on cars but that doesn’t give you a pass to be an insufferable piss baby when you get upset about something.
That driver isn’t single-handedly responsible for our car dependent society, so stop acting like they are and direct your frustrations somewhere more healthy.
There’s a reasonable point in here somewhere, but you’ve ruined it somewhat by being unable to engage in reasonable discourse. Dial back the adolescent insults and you might find people give a little more respect to your opinion, and maybe we’ll all learn something.
Exactly my point for downvoting them. Make an argument, but better take your anger out of it and try to avoid making assumptions - you don’t know if OP-commenter really thinks that this is a reasonable take or an exaggeration to make a point about car-brains getting away with stuff.
The comment I replied to wasn’t “engaging in reasonable discourse” either. You’re right that it was inappropriate to call the commenter a piss baby, but I didn’t have any expectation of a conversation either.
I think we shouldn’t justify antisocial behaviour.
Now,to who the fuck thought drive through sequoias were a good idea?
I mean, it makes it sound like he crashed into the tree. He scrapped his car mirror off into the tree. Dumb but that tree has seen a lot worse, stop with the damn clickbait
The driver is an idiot, but then there was the guy who thought it was a good idea to build a road through that tree.
fuck. cars.
What a braindead response. Fuck cars and fuck you too, how bout that?
try looking at the name of the community you’re commenting in loooool
You mean fuck cars, like I said? Doesn’t excuse op for his clickbait bullshit, as there are plenty of real problems with cars to talk about.
Things like this discredit the argument, as the naysayers can point to posts like this and say “see? They’re just full of shit why listen to them?”
as there are plenty of real problems with cars to talk about.
Cars and car infrastructure is ruining various natural areas, the ones that are left, and most semi-natural ones on land. Cars and car roads are the first wounds in intact land ecosystems, they make room for infection that ruins habitats.
Do you want some reading? I have a bunch of nice peer-reviewed articles on how cars need to fuck off from wild and semi-wild areas.
You should make a post about that instead
Of course it was a SUV…
I feel like something like this should have a steel structure the same shape or a little smaller on either side so that if a dumbass like this tries to get through with too big of a car they just damage the car not the tree. Kinda like those things before parking garages or drive thoughs for height, but on the sides
Or, what if we just don’t drive through trees at all?! Like, walk through, bike through, but not drive through. This living tree looks like it has been carved out more than it originally naturally was to specifically accommodate cars?! This munter didn’t just gently scrape their wing mirror, they tore it almost completely off by grinding it against the interior of the tree!? Fuck cars! And fuck this specific car and its owners! I hope they enjoy their repair bill!
I love the idea of armored trees.
I was more of thinking a little ways from the tree, but on the tree would look cooler
Also maybe make it pointy so it would shear off excess material to make a tree-hole-shaped-car lol
I’m sure it was the tree’s fault. 🙃
The only thing damaged was the passenger side mirror. I’m sure it happens all the time there.
Satan’s oldest tree VS God’s Drunkest Driver
I love how everyone here is more or less on the same side but still kicking each other in the shins what the appropriate level of anger is.
What an awful comment section.
Cars do bring out the worst in people