Is anybody still playing this? I was surprised to see someone on Twitch playing the other day.
I like it quite a bit. Not dishonored or prey level good, but it’s fun, it’s got cool setpieces, I liked the town. I enjoyed the loot system even though it’s simple. Satisfying shooting. Very few bugs, for me. The AI is dumb but I found that easy to ignore with this game, and I’d still die sometimes.
It’s not a “great” game but is a good one, for me. It’s like I played a completely different game than all the reviewers and reddit commenters. shrug
Internet in general always ends up being more negative than it’s deserved. I remember people bashing Deathloop for similar reasons and when I finally gave it a try last month I actually had lots of fun - as you’d say it was no Prey or Dishonored, it was only around 20ish hours to complete it and it didn’t blow my mind but it was good, solid fun with some interesting mechanics to spice it up.
My bigger worry about Redfall is how allegedly nobody on Arkane wanted to work on it, how they hoped it’d be cancelled and how they bled 70% of their employees during its development. It doesn’t bode well for their future games, or even for Redfall and its updates.
That’s completely fair! You’re allowed to like it. :) The internet’s opinion doesn’t have to be yours. Loll.
I think that’s the point of the article. Was it a great game? No. But apparently you’re not the only person that’s getting some enjoyment out of it. :)
I was really looking forward to seeing this up until the first trailer. When that thing hit I knew they had missed the mark. By how much? I can’t read the future or people’s mind but the company I was with at the time was watching the game closely and expected a lot more out of it.
Somewhere in development they lost their way and somewhere they stopped being even immersive sim adjacent.
I think it normally wouldn’t be as big of a deal, but with how bare the Xbox exclusive library is, they really need all they can get.
I’m holding out hope for Starfield. I’m trying to not let myself get excited… But it looks like something that could be so fun. I really hope they get it right. :)
Same here.
I gave it up after a couple of weeks. I could see it being kind of fun in a group but none of my friends were playing it.
That’s a big thing for sure. I had a lot of fun with Deep Rock Galactic, but would never have tried it if my friend group hadn’t wanted to play.
I played it at launch, but I found it boring and the low framerate didn’t help; the gameplay couldn’t make up for the lack of stuff to do.
I plan on revisiting after they have time to patch it, maybe in 6 months or so. The game sounded interesting and I’ve liked other Arkane games, but there were too many problems at the same time for me to enjoy this one.
My friends and I were actively trying to complete it. But once we got to the second area, the game just refused to allow us to continue. The games would drop one of us every 10-15 mins and it got to the point that it felt like the game was actively trying to make us stop. We decided to give up.
I don’t like the game. I think it’s unfinished. But I do think it could be fixed and it is definitely not worth the vitriol it received.
That’s an interesting perspective. It’s nice to hear from someone who actually played it. :)
Yeah. I feel like the internet had already decided that they hated it before it came out, that didn’t help things.
Didn’t even care when the first teaser dropped.
Haven’t got round to playing yet, although I’m still going to give it a shot once I’ve cleared my backlog.
Might have even fixed the game a little bit by then, who knows!
Yup. Glad I didn’t buy it, but hey… If they fix it down the road I’d give it a shot since it’s on Game pass.
Yeah that’s my same feeling, GamePass is wonderful for things like that, no risk in trying out games