Tomorrow’s headline in Variety:
Ben Shapiro rumored to be in high-pitched talks to play all seven dwarfs in
anti-woke version of Snow White90 minute conservative temper tantrum.high-pitched talks
high-pitched talks at 5000 words per minute*
It’s the high speed that lets you know he is right, and that the full-speed gish-gallop that runs over you is legitimately discourse…
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The problem is that so many of their movies are bad.
Yet they’ll still do incredibly well because the movie makers can launder money through churches, tax free, to buy all available tickets to give out for free to the church congregations. This then makes the movie appear to be better and more popular than it really is.
2 consultant producers
they do similarly with book sales
You can’t criticize the movie without criticizing the message. If you criticize the message you’re not on their team. Not conforming to the team is a bannable offense.
But you can oh, so easily criticize the movie without mentioning the message. Because they are awful.
It’s easy, when script writing is worse than a high school play, they’re either over filtered to look cinematic or feel like they just filmed it and cut it together. I’ve seen better acting in b grade porn than anything I’ve seen in one of those movies, the sounds terrible like they’ve used the in camera mics on scenes.
See I criticized the movie without criticizing the message.
Sounds like they already have their own version of Hollywood then.
Their track record of terrible movies is even worse.
It worked for Sound of Freedom.
On social media, theatergoers have posted about sold-out “Sound of Freedom” showings online that are empty in theaters, alleging the ticket sales are more about artificially inflating the movie’s box office returns.
legit, the only people who want to spend $7-20 to sit on a dirty seat for 2+ hours with $40 food (actual cost is close to $5) is prolly the people that think the movie is a true story and should be watched multiple times
We talking Hollywood or daily wire?
Hollywood has had a 100 years to get good st making movies and around 90 years in they forgot how. Daily wore has only.has a few years. Maybe in 80 years they will start making good movies
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Like current Hollywood movies
How disconnected from the real world are you?
Karma is -165. It’s a troll account.
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I was speaking more to the misandry in thier films
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Is that Ben Shapiro as Snow White?
Ew. Who would want to kiss him?
His alive and very much female doctor wife with whom he shares an address of residence. Checkmate.
Hmm. The same wife he’s gone on-record about having never given an orgasm to?
His wife who never gets a wet pussy?
yes, the dry one
Yes, the unfulfilled one
I just want you to know I hate myself for having to google this, and it’s all your fault 😂
Guaranteed to stay unwoke; that sounds like a deal to me.
She’ll do her own dishes, without the help of the animals, and never leave the kitchen. The Dwarves will be coal miners who pull themselves up by their bootstraps every morning and work 20-hour days. The prince will be a Trump impersonator who plays in a worship band and “wakes” Snow White by giving her a red pill.
First the pill then the mushroom
I think it’s funny that Ben Shapiro failed as a Hollywood nepo baby. Do you know how much of a failure you have to be to do that?
OTOH Kudos to Ben for giving Ben in a wig a job
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Sadly this probably still won’t anger the Hispanic vote.
Well, Ben, since as an almost forty year old grown man, you seem REALLY upset at a certain recent movie for being too “woke” or whatever, let’s see how well your movie does as a failed screenwriter with a failed actress.
I’m not going to start throwing tantrums or burn anything, I’m just going to laugh at you in private.
Ah yes, Snow White and the Seventh Reich, a beloved children’s story about how a mirror that considered an underage girl to be hot got her roofied and then taken advantage of while sleeping by the dude with the most privilege who instead ends up celebrated for rescuing her from her laborer immigrant household.
Honestly even without any alterations to the core plot this clearly has all the hallmarks of a conservative hit on their hands.
A little Triumph of the Will cinematography and some dog whistles thrown in, and they can’t help but get everyone on Parler to buy a few copies each. (Literally, as the people there are suckers waiting to be parted with their bitcoins.)
Hi ho
Hi ho
Arbeit macht frei du gehst
Being so wrong about the reception and mind shattering profits of the Barbie movie done gone made Benny Shaps a might bit parched for some of that movie moolah sizzurp in his real boy diet cola. I would actually watch this if it got pirated and entirely redubbed with Robert Evans doing all the characters voices as Ben.
Ok with one change: H John Benjamin as Snow White’s voice actor.
Jon as the mirror would be the best thing ever.
yes please.
With one exception. Robert needs to do the Magic Mirror in his Boston accent.
Crap, I wanna say yes, but you know he’s gonna swing for the fences with the Boston accent and it might lessen the weight of the many Ben impressions. That might have to be the directors cut version.
No, you’ve gotta have Cody Johnston and Katy Stoll in there too!
So… a movie featuring a sleeping girl getting woken up for her happy ending is too woke?
It’s more a backlash against the Disney ‘remake’…in quotation marks because rather than remaking it, it just sounds like they just did their own thing completely.
Yes, she need to sleep forever, you can’t cure poison with a kiss!
Let them waste the money. A spite movie is pretty funny though. Straight out of Curb Your Enthusiasm
Looking at the trailer, it seems pretty obvious they’re not actually making this movie. It shows a single character for about 10 seconds of footage. My guess is they’re doing this strictly for the headlines.
Don’t forget the donations
Lmao this is just sad.
I thought Bob Clampett already made the right’s preferred version of the story.
Over under on the dwarves being her happy slaves?
If you don’t like make your own movie
No, not like that
Oh no, I think all of us really want them to make their own movie. I know I can’t wait to see them fuck that up.
I just don’t get the joke they’re trying to make, like… Ben in a wig doesn’t seem like a serious attempt at this, but I’m not even sure who it’s supposed to be hitting.
I’m sure Disney lawyers are having a field day.
The Snow White story is public domain.
They’re getting real close to the appearance of the Disney version, which isn’t public domain.
I’m not really sure how. Per the story, she has red lips, pale skin, and dark hair. Otherwise, there’s not a huge overlap between this and the classic Disney versions, unless I’m missing something
Actual question: would that even be something in court? I would imagine the filmmakers of this Snow White could say her design is “inspired” by Disney’s take on Snow White, but otherwise say it’s “original”.
No. I think that anybody can make a spin of Snow White if they want to which is why Disney spent a lot of their 90s in making unique IP that simply “borrowed” plot elements from famous plays. (The Lion King, for example.)
Like kimba the white lion?
The longest “well, actually…” about this:
Holy shit that is long. I’ll give it a watch while I’m working. I looked at the similarities at university studying animation 17 years ago, so I’d be interested to see what been dug up!
Snow White… they can get away with as long as it’s not the same basic outfit. I know they can’t use the names of the dwarfs. Those are Disney created. They would have to come up with new names and identities.
They probably never read the original story so they may not know that. Could get sued if they have incompetent creators and lawyers who don’t check up on that, then use the same names.
Courts definitely make decisions like that. There’s a news story every few years about a court ruling that some big name musician ripped off a more obscure one, usually followed by music experts explaining why it’s not at all unlikely for different musicians to independently come up with the same baseline, chord progression, etc.
I have no idea, I’m just spitballing, IANAL, etc. Just something I’ve noticed is to never fuck with the mouse.
What would they sue over…?
It’s a 300-year old story and a ton of Disney movies that come out are accompanied by like 4 dollar bin clones
The Snow White story is not owned by Disney.