Hey everyone! I’m looking for some good documentaries on the history of computer science and Programing in general!
If they are free and easily accessible it’s a plus!
Thanks in advance!
There’s a great documentary from the 1980s called “Wargames” /j
Seriously though, I would recommend the YouTube channel “Computerphile”. It’s by the same guy who does Numberphile but it’s all about computer science topics. They often give a bit of the history for how things came about. Tom Scott’s YouTube channel has many computer science topics as well, though AFAIK he hasn’t done any recently.
LowSpecGamer and RetroBytes on YouTube are good rabbit holes for early hardware history!
Keep in mind things go back further then you might think to mechanical computing machines. Ada Lovelace is often considered to be the first computer programmer: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace
Check out the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley.