Alot of my friends use Snapchat for messaging but it’s really annoying needing to laggily enable the camera every time the app opens. Anyone know a way to make it think it has the camera on but not actually or something? (if you just revoke the camera permission it stops you from using the app entirely)
Convert your friends over to Signal. Let Snapchat harvest somebody else’s personal data.
Signal also did something that angered its userbase by removing SMS support, so now it’s harder than ever to try to convert people to Signal.
Can’t you just use your normal SMS app?
Do you understand the reasoning for the removal?
Yes, but it’s easier to sell Signal to tech illiterate family members if I tell them “It’s a new text app that lets you talk with people with both Android and Iphone” instead of having them groan “Oh no it’s another messaging app I have to install”.
Several of my family members quit Signal after they got rid of SMS, I understand the logic behind the change but now I only have a couple of people that still use it.
I saw that, really unfortunate too. And now with the creator leaving signal entirely I don’t see it getting better on that front.
There are a handful of other options out there, but good luck getting more than a small percentage of your contacts to switch to it.
The only correct answer. You also have disappearing messages on Signal
If you’re on Android 12 or higher with a supported device, you could disable camera access with a quick settings toggle. If the camera is disabled, any app using the camera just gets a black image. (It does cause a popup asking if you want to unblock the camera, but you can just hit cancel.)
In developer options on youransdroid phone there is a setting you can enable that will add a quick setting tile that toggles on and off the sensors in your phone. It also includes rhe microphone and camera. It’s great for something like this.
I really want to know that for another app for a different permission.
It would be good if we can “trick” an app to think it has a permission and stop bothering us.
Unfortunately it looks like all permission spoofing I saw required root. If you do happen to be rooted I saw that appopps on the play store probably works.
It would be a very useful feature to add to default android.
SnapMod has this feature. You can use it with lspatch if you are not rooted.
If you really must use Snapchat, there are hardware camera covers you can buy for your phone.
I don’t think that would fix this person’s issue seeing as it seems to be a speed / lag issue, not a privacy issue
Ah OK I thought it was the lag in having to allow camera permissions. My bad
Unfortunately, what you are asking can really only be done on a rooted device and, to my knowledge, Snapchat has root detection which will prevent it from working. There are potentially some 3rd party apps you could use, but those run the risk of deactivating your account
I just tried revoking the camera permission on my Snapchat app. There’s a nag to re-enable it on the main screen, but the navbar at the bottom still lets me access my chats and view snaps from friends.
Is it not the same for you? I’m running version on Android 10.
Wow I feel silly now. Looks like my app wasn’t fully updated and in the most recent version they don’t block you from everything when the permissions disabled lol. Thanks!
Username does not check out! :D