Young deer, tried stopping by my lilies for a snack! I took this picture through the window but accidentally left the flash on from the last pic taken… This is the moment the deer noticed me - it didn’t bolt until I started opening the door! (and it didn’t seem to get any of the lilies… this time)
Deer are beautiful but you have caught this one in an awkward moment :)
It’s head looks so tiny!
You should get a deer crossing sign and put it near your house so the deer know to stop by more.
Speaking of “deer crossing” - I was told there was a group of 3 deer in the street in front of our house, earlier in the morning!
It’s a residential street that’s hard to go fast on, so we don’t have a “deer x-ing” sign.
For just a split second I thought I was looking at a Kangaroo. To be fair if I had yummy flowers to eat and no grocery store I’d be all over them too. Great shot.
Edit: spelling.
Now I can’t stop seeing a kangaroo 😂
Have you thought about putting up a feeder (if local regulations allow it)? They’re beautiful creatures, had family in West Virginia, way up in the boonies, the fawns are extremely cute.
I think it’s important to note this will up your backyard tick count exponentially
Forgot about the ticks hahaha, got them once or twice as a kid then decided to just preemptively use all the products when we would visit.
They had a huge plot of land though so I doubt they were worried about adding more ticks.
Yeah, and sadly with kids in the neighborhood, I’d hate to be responsible for a Lyme disease outbreak or something like that 😅
Two deer wandered through the yards on my street on the 4th of July. Poor things were probably scared by the fireworks, just like my pups were. They must not have stayed upset though, because they were calm enough to eat all my gladiolus blooms! lol! I didn’t mind :)