My sister is moving out, she left a box labelled “2nd hand” by my door. (even tho a year ago she said I could wear her clothes, I said no I can get my own… im not weird)
No you aren’t weird, gender identity isn’t defined by a person’s gender conformity or lack there of. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, don’t worry about it making you one thing or another.
If you have any doubts about your gender identity you should by all means question. I’m not saying you shouldn’t. I’m saying the idea that you should wear what you want without worrying so much about what it makes you. You should identify in a way that feels right for you, that’s what gender identity is based on, not whether some piece of cloth is semantically considered feminine or masculine.
It was very nice of your sister to give you her old clothes.
kind words and true, thank you
Hi @xDqt, can you please edit the title to follow the rules of being “egg_irl”?
ok :)
Awesome, thanks