• @[email protected]
        591 year ago

        I really love the episode where they go “this is a weapon meant to intimidate” * blasts * “this is a weapon meant to kill” fire p90

        • @[email protected]
          201 year ago

          Such an iconic scene, but I never would have thought that when I first watched it for some reason.

            • @[email protected]
              81 year ago

              I actually liked the premise of the Ori because basically up to that point they were fighting people who claimed to be gods but were really just aliens with advanced technology, whereas with the Ori they were fighting beings that basically were gods so it was a whole lot harder to convince anyone to side with them. The biggest problem I had with it was that the show seemed to run out of money before they could properly tie everything up, a bit reminiscent of the final season of the Expanse (over which I am still very bitter, though at least it motivated me to read the books, which do satisfyingly tie everything up). In particular, in the episode


              where they kill all of the Ori by sending the bomb thing through the portal

              they have basically a huge dramatic victory that merited some kind of visually impressive spectacle and instead all that happened was basically that they just turned to each other and said, “Well, so I guess that means we succeeded. Yay.”

              • @[email protected]
                31 year ago

                I didn’t like the Ori arc at first and found those seasons hard to watch. On my rewatch though I found 9 and 10 much better than I remembered.

                HALLOWED ARE THE ORI

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  They are much better than they should be. Black and Browder are good and the writers seem to have had done very excellence job basically writing a spin off.

        • @[email protected]
          101 year ago

          My favourite detail in that is when —i think it’s Jack— gets a bit lax with gun safety and waves his rifle at Sam, and she visibly flinches.

          • @[email protected]
            161 year ago

            That was richard dean anderson who was lax gun safety, and a very real reaction from amanda tapping if anyone cares

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            My favorite detail, though I will admit that type of detail (and I think I’ve seen it a couple times) is fun: when people express hatred for Daniel.

            Fuck Daniel.

        • @cavveman
          41 year ago

          It’s the one Teal’c kills Imhotep?

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Fun fact: the 5.7mm round the P90 uses was not being produced as a blank. So the armorers bought TONS of live 5.7mm and made those into blanks.

      This actually caused a supply bottleneck for none other than the US Secret Service, who were also using P90s at the time. They actually had to ask, or buy, not sure which, several thousand rounds from the show armorers for training until ammo production could ramp up stateside IIRC.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      Yes! “This is a weapon of terror. And THIS is a weapon of WAR.” Love me some SG-1 maybe I’ll fire it up later tonight hmm.

      It’s ridiculous and over the top but I love every second of it.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        “The United States is not in the business of interfering in other people’s affairs”

        “Since when Sir?”

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      She’s one of my go-to examples of a “strong female character” that Hollywood has completely fucked up in the last ten years or so. Carter is smart, resourceful, quick on her feet, and more than capable on the battlefield.

      But not a superhero who can beat up, say, Teal’c or other Jaffa 3x her size. She’s also very much a woman and exhibits feminine traits accordingly. You know, like how real normal people behave.

      Also on the list: Sarah Connor, Dana scully, Laura Roslin, Captain Janeway despite her flaws, a few others…

    • @cavveman
      121 year ago

      The doctor was also one of the crushes for me. She had that friends hot mom feeling in the show.

    • SSTFOP
      151 year ago

      The show took a lot of shots at the military, but it never dwelled on it. I feel like it took just the right amount.

      The uniforms did add a USAF patch on the sleeve in season 5, which is often called the “Area 51 Apology Patch”. Might be seen as cheap brownie points with the military, but it also makes sense within the show, so not immersion breaking.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Sg1 will probably be one of my favourite series ever. But from my perspective it really didn’t age that well. Not talking about graphics or CGI here, but more on a action POV. A few jokes I probably wouldn’t bring today anymore, a few weird decisions regarding the plot and the cast and, because of the episodic character of the show quite a few plot holes. SGA on the other hand is a great show, which aged just as well and is the one I actually recommend people nowadays if they want to take a look at the franchise.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      There’s definitely a lot of 90s jankiness / awkward moments through a more modern lense, but I do think it trails off as the show goes on.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I suppose it could have. My problem is that when I watch a show, it’s mostly for the competence porn. SG1 and SGA were that, in spades. SGU wasn’t that, at least in the beginning, and I don’t typically last beyond three episodes when it’s clear that the genre isn’t even what I’m looking for.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Stargate: Battlestar Galactica. It was so, so apparent at the time that they saw the success of BSG and wanted in on it. It’s honestly hilarious because Trek tried to pull the same shit with Discovery, and then with Picard s1-2 before they reversed course and were like “what if we just made the type of Trek that Trekkies like?” and then comes Picard S3 and Strange New Worlds.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Im watching Stargate for the first time at the moment and im really surprised by how good it is. on season 7 at the minute and cant wait to see whats coming.

    Are Atlantis and SGU just as good or is there a dip in quality?

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      If you like SG1, you will like Atlantis. They’re both the same level of fun sci-fi.

      I personally loved SGU. It was spiritual kin to the first two shows with the same thoughtful sci-fi world building, but it dialed the whimsy down to 1 and the drama up to 7. But it was still a Stargate show in every way. It respected established canon while building it’s own lore independent of the other shows. I was legit mad when it was canceled.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Yeah, it’s a definite departure in tone. But stick with it. It becomes a more serious rendition of the franchise, but it’s just as engaging.

          It not only keeps the overall spirit of the franchise going, it revitalizes it because of the set and setting. Where SG1 and Atlantis have humanity becoming virtually indestructible gods through their new technology, EVERYONE in SGU is vulnerable.

          It’s really unfortunate because the show was canceled right when it was finding it’s feet.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        SGU is a BSG knockoff wearing Stargate lore like a skin-suit. Even if you forget about that, I personally found it boring af.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      SG-1 is one of my all time favorite shows! It changes so much over the years but everything works IMO, even 9 and 10 which are typically lower rated than the rest.

      Atlantis is watchable but nowhere near as good IMO. Characters aren’t nearly as memorable, there’s a lot of plot threads that go nowhere, the cast turnover is quick, things like that. To be fair I heard there were a lot of production issues and unexpected issues, and it’s a miracle SG-1 was as good as it was given all of their numerous issues.

      Fuck everything about Universe, I couldn’t stand that show. YMMV

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I liked each series in a different way. Universe felt to me like the first few episodes of Atlantis but an ongoing damage control situation. SG1 is definitely the best out of the three.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Depends on your expectations… I personally liked Atlantis but SGU somehow failed to captivate me. Both shows somehow fizzled out without really leading anywhere (you could say the same about SG1 but at least they closed up the main plot lines before opening a bunch of new ones which didn’t really have clear purpose).

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        I’ll provide a counterpoint. I never loved Atlantis but I really liked SGU. especially the second season when it really hit its stride. I don’t think either of them were nearly as memorable as SG1 though.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Whilst I respect the entire show and all the work it did as far as I’m concerned season 8 episode 20 I think ith the fishing pond is the place you should genuinely end. The follow up series are ok but don’t add anything,

    • Psaldorn
      1 year ago

      SGU is very different but I enjoyed it for that, some interesting home/away comparisons andmore in the SG universe (pun not intended) is welcome.

      Atlantis is great, Christopher Heyerdahl in multiple roles too.

    • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
      11 year ago

      SGU had a shakey first season and was hitting its stride in the second when they cancelled it. apparently there is an official comic that wraps the story up, but tbh where they left it… it kinda works…

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        It’s really an entirely different animal than either of them, but ranks right up there with them in terms of quality.

        SG1 is a 50/50 serious/fun ratio, with long running plot threads mixed in with adventure- of-the-week episodes. It’s a bunch of friends saving the galaxy and having fun doing it. It’s got a real sense of Earth’s slow progression from the mostly forgotten backwater homeworld of humanity all the way to being a major power in two galaxies.

        B5 is like a 90% serious novel about war and politics.

        BSG is 100% grim, and it becomes really obvious in later seasons that while the Cylons might’ve had a plan, the writers sure as shit didn’t know what it was supposed to be. This unfortunately makes it overall the weakest of the three IMHO.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I thought the Cylons’ plan was to eliminate humanity and replace it with a “better” version, which was the human cylons? It was interesting that their religion ended up getting in the way of that. But I didn’t hate BSG’s ending, which I realize puts me in the minority.

          Anyway, thanks for sharing the detailed opinion, I appreciate it. I think I’ll give SG a shot later tonight. Other than the Expanse, high quality sci-fi has been hard to come by for a while now, so it’ll be cool to try something new.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            If you missed SG1, I am guessing you missed Farscape too. It really makes aliens actually Alien, it’s universe is so weird and fantastic. And the characters and their interactions are great.

            Definitely worth adding to the list.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I will always remember that one day I skipped school was home sick from school and just happened to catch my first episode of SG1.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Me too!! It was around season 1 or 2 and I remember seeing a few in a row: the episodes stranded in Antarctica, the girl Cassandra with the bomb inside her, maybe the prison escape one idk. I loved it and was instantly hooked.

      Next week on Showtime Sci Friday: Richard Dean Anderson stars in an all new Stargate SG-1! Happiest words of my childhood lol

  • haywire
    121 year ago

    SG1 is a show that I feel never made a mistep to the point where I can call out a bad episode. Unlike various star trek series that had their WTF episodes that are generally disliked.

    I always hoped for one more piece of the story with the original team, details were floating around of the final movie and I think covid killed that off.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        This is hilariously topical.

        I am just getting into the series after having watch the film various times over the years. It really feels a bit, “religion of the week” right now and I am struggling with some of these episodes. I really like the characters but my goodness was that Emancipation episode awful. Would you encourage me to press through?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Absolutely keep going. The first season has a couple stinkers. The show finds its groove soon.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago


      I guess I’m the only one who actively hated ‘200’ when it aired.

      The show was great, I’ve watched every episode multiple times (except ‘200’).

      But there was a very clear quality decrease as time went on, I mean they even started letting Teal’c write a handful of 'em.

  • Riker_Maneuver
    1 year ago

    I actually just recently re-watched SG1 for the first time in probably a decade or more now. I was half expecting to have my fond memories ruined, but that wasn’t even remotely the case. I still love it, and probably always will.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I just introduced my girlfriend to stargate, and she’s never liked any sci fi, but she loved it so much. It’s such a great show. Funny and lighthearted and usually easy to watch, but still touches on really deep subjects and has incredible storylines and what ifs. Looking back on it too, I realized how many sci fi tropes seemed to start there, or how many episodes of other sci fi shows clearly took inspiration from them.

      • Riker_Maneuver
        41 year ago

        I feel like campiness has become a lost art form. Stuff these days generally tends to take itself very seriously while Stargate was self aware and knew how to lean into it. At the same time—as you mentioned—it wasn’t afraid to do more tonally serious episodes from time to time. I think that mix is what allowed it to have such a long run.

    • SSTFOP
      141 year ago

      Not the whole episode, but yes. The puppets were made by the same people who made the Team America ones.

      The episode is wild, the puppet sequence isn’t even the most over the top part.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        That whole episode was gold.

        Your post has me wanting to do a rewatch of the series. I should see if any of the streaming services I’m on has that series on there.