New monitor this time!
Disappointed to see it’s not Crisis. It was always Crisis.
This is gonna sound crazy but Star Wars Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. It was the first game I played on a computer we got when I was in the 4th grade and since then I’ve made it a tradition to make that the first game I play on any new computer.
To my knowledge it wasn’t even a technical power house when it came out but it is always interesting to see it run at resolutions way higher than it was intended for
I literally just started playing thru this again a few weeks ago.
Don’t think it’ll suffice for a stress test these days, but it’s such a great game.
I still need to finish MoTS one of these days…
Star Citizen, got to test the thermals of the new kit
Beam.NG, there’s always a bottleneck to smash.
Honestly, it’s 3dMark or the benchmarks from either Cyberpunk 2077, Metro: Exodus, or FFXV. Perfect stress tests.
Always 3DMark. I love that program. So many uses.
It was Cyberpunk 2077 last time, because I got a ray-tracing capable GPU.
Blurbuster TestUFO
Flight Simulator 2020, went from a i7 4790k / 1080Ti to a 5800X3D / 3090, insane performance. Don’t get me wrong my former build was insane, almost 7 years of use, and still kicking.
That 1080ti has incredible legs, mine is still sleeping for when it is needed again.
Pioneer, Ficsit will be upping all personal quotas related to Project Assembly. Currently 100% of your projects are related to Project Assembly. Projection of average quota increases will be directly related to the upgrades made on your new personal computer.
Elite Dangerous
DOOM and DOOM Eternal
What game is this? I want to try it!
DOOM Eternal. Really fun game if you’re into fast paced shooters with fun movement mechanics. I loved the 2016 DOOM reboot and Eternal is even better in a lot of ways imo.
Sadly it doesn’t have co-op. :(
Doom Eternal \m/
Hell yeah! I knew it was supposed to be good. Looks super cool. I played 2016 multiplayer a decent amount. I also tried 1993 around that time. Very dated, but I could see why it was so popular
Doom Eternal I believe
Heroes of might and magic 2
This may be the image that convinces me I need a curved monitor
I have an Odyssey CRG9. It seems so absurd at first, but after a while it makes using any 16:9 monitor feel cramped as hell. Just be aware ultrawide support is lacking at times, but nothing you can’t tweak around. Took me about a month of use to get everything to where I don’t have to think about it much anymore.
It’s so goddamned good. Ultrawide curved is just chefs kiss
QIIIA, sometimes Q1 or Q2. It’s the law for me.
This. Q3A has been a benchmark standard ever since it came out, plus it’s still an incredibly fun game.
The cutting edge of fast, clean, & skilled shootenings! <3 (also buckets of nostalgia)
Quake was my teenage years and I still love playing it.
Is this some kind of joke I’m too young to understand…? Quake came out in 1999 yeah, that’s like saying UT99 is a good benchmark, but I havent played on a pc that cant run UT99
Hmm … it’s not for tests purposes, if that’s what you mean, it’s just because I like it.