I have found you again. I was told there were tankies on lemmy. I think they intended to dissuade me from joining, lol
They can call us whatever they want but it doesn’t change the fact that this instance is more reflective of the opinions of the Global South than their State Department opinions ever will be. Lol
Me leaving lemmygrad and wondering where all the people from the global south went: 🤔
Welcome comrade! And don’t worry, no tankies here. Hillary 2024
It’s her turn
About fucking time
Every election cycle increasingly feels like some intentionally induced mass hysteria. 2016 salsa slinging hilldog seems almost quaint now.
Were you there before genzedong got quarantined?
Yeah, was on the telegram channel as well right after. But i just don’t vibe with telegram, it feels too much like Whatsapp instead of social media tbh.
I feel that. Telegram feels more like a groupchat that is way too big.
I’ve never used it, but I’ve been told that usenet is similar
it is, except usenet isn’t exactly in realtime
How does it work if its not in real time? Does it all get updated every night or something?
Welcome cousin
It is refreshing to have a place like this existing.
Welcome back!
Welcome home comrade
Heyo! Happy to have you join!
Velkommen til Lemmygrad, kammerat!
Welcome to Lemmygrad, comrade!
Sup nerd
Glad to have you here!
One of us! One of us!