I am just wondering what matrix instances are recommended. I would rather not use the main matrix.org instance, but I still want something with good up-time, updated software and that is privacy respecting.
Update: I am trying arcticfoxes, thank you for all of your suggestions! Feel free to leave more as it may help others who come across this post in the future.
Update 2: I had an issue with cross signing, but it works on envs.net so I am assuming it’s an issue with the arcticfoxes instance. I am now using envs.net. As I said before, feel free to leave more suggestions for others who come across this post.
https://tatsumoto-fren.github.io/blog/list-of-matrix-servers.html has a good write up and a list.
Today I learned what a lolicon was, and yikes indeed.
The list was changed recently and I posted it without checking, hence me deleting the original comment.
that damn url. So innocuous.
Any reason tchncs.de is on the ‘do not use’ list? What exactly does ‘morg 3.0’ mean?
Yeah i’d take the guy from the articles opinions with a grain of salt, tchncs is fine, they also permanently delete messages after 1 year which is pretty good. Most other instances retain messages history permanently, and no one seems to have made a power delete suit/redact for matrix.
Depending on rooms you create they might get removed. They have strict standards and ban without warning rooms they don’t agree with. If you are just looking for a server to join other rooms then it’s fine.