What always confuses me is when I see a queer tankie or conservative, it’s like why are you shooting yourself in the foot
I’m a queer conservative. I believe in conserving indigenous sovereignty, the environment, pagan religions, labour regulations and the strength of unions, and our knowledge of history. I question these newfangled ideas like capitalism and binary gender because I think they’re no good. Things were just fine when we had 10,000 genders and I don’t see a need to change that!
That’s not how that works
That’s not how any of that works
Yeah, I know, it’s not what’s normally meant by the word conservative. But I don’t see why we should have to give the idea of conserving things over to the right. There are lots of great things to conserve. And colonialism isn’t one of them. Here in australia, we have a 60,000 year history that predates the right wing idea of conservativism.
You’re thinking of conservationism. Very different thing.
Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional institutions, practices, and values.[1][2] The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears.
The culture I belong to is the queer community. Thus, the tenets of conservativism, to me, center on the traditional institutions, practices, and values of other people in the queer community. We promote the traditional institutions that rightfully govern colonised land. We promote the traditional institutions of pagan religions. We promote the traditional institutions of labour guilds and unions. We promote the traditional practices of indigenous land management. We promote the traditional practices of nonbinary gender. We promote the traditional practices of the old gods.
The things I am interested in preserving are not the same things a white coloniser binarist capitalist is interested in preserving. And given that whiteness, binary gender, and capitalism have no ancient history and no recent history worth keeping alive, I consider their conservativism far less legitimate. There is a whole lot more to conserve on the left.
What are you conservative about?
People want a good team to root for. They want simple answers instead of the truth. You can just say your nation or other nations are great and must be defended from justifiable criticism because an attack on them is an attack on your own identity.
While historically, and contemporaneously, communist countries have been harsh on homosexuality, surely next time the gays will be safe!
Show me where it says that anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment or indeed any intolerance is inherent in communism rather than just the backwards thinking of bad leaders. Correlation does not equal causation.
It’s not inherent, but it’s ubiquitous nonetheless. Consolidating power necessitates an “other” and lgbtq+ tends to be part of that other due to the disproportionately reduced population impact. It’s just harder for them to have kids. Unless the one consolidating is simultaneously a literal and metaphorical maniac like Pol Pot, in which case absolutely everyone is an other. It’s unrelated to communism in the same way that trans rights are unrelated to republicans; it’s just a convenient subsect to oppress for a politically savvy despot.
Only demagogues need an other to consolidate power, and even if that wasn’t the case, every left wing ideology already has the mother of all “others” in the billionaires that literally seperate themselves from the society they (mostly, but not always) indirectly dictate the rules of.
The modern far left is in favor of radical equality, considers (especially social) progress much more important than tradition, considers diversity a strength and doesn’t consider procreation a holy duty.
All of that is incompatible with anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination and also the opposite of Republicans who ARE inherently anti-trans BECAUSE of their fascist ideology.
If nearly every communist leader has been anti LGBT maybe they were all just bad leaders which makes it seems largely inherent to its ideology.
Considering every “communist” nation is actually authoritarian I don’t think communism is inherently homophobic. Also every one of those leaders are bad, they run authoritarian countries.
Nearly every capitalist leader has been anti-LGBT. This is silly.
Again, correlation doesn’t equal causation. If every fascist leader had been left-handed, that wouldn’t make left-handedness inherent to fascism.
Communism is about radical equality. That many leaders have been anti-LGBTQ+ hypocrites doesn’t make it part of the ideology.
After the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, homosexuality (as well as abortion) was decriminalized.
It was only after Stalin’s counter-revolution that gay sex (and abortion) were made illegal. People spoke out against it, including queers and feminists in the Comintern. Again, wtf are queer (or feminist) tankies thinking?
Serious question: Why are far-left idealogists being labeled anti-queer? I’ve simply never heard of this before.
Conservatives (U.S. politics) are 100% in that bucket… But most of them are far-right at this point (and patently nuts.)
A lot of tankies have killed queer people
It’s been a pattern ever since Adolf “national socialist” Hitler
what does hitler have to do with tankies?
They are both authoritarians who claim to be socialists. And they both spew reactionary rhetoric under the guise of progressivism
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I doubt any US president has 60 million dead under his watch as Stalin does.
And if you care for your body integrity, I personally would avoid sharing your 70/30 idea in Ukraine, where the Holomodor is still living memory.
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Are tankies really that big of a problem? No one worth their weight (or not chronically online) actually uncritically worships former socialist projects, the whole point is to study and preserve the nuance of what occured in former socialist projects for future socialism. Tankie is such a chronically online term that kills any discussion of former socialism whenever I see it in service of avoiding it altogether. 196 having it in its community banner screams of insecurity.
Terfs on the other hand have serious intitutional power and have actually shaped international politics in their rhetoric. A few weirdos on an online discussion webpage does not compare to an international counter revolutionary bloc of fascists who have already enacted harm. It’s telling when there has already been an incident of terf-adjacent transphobia in this community than a “tankie infestation.”
they’re not that big of a problem irl, but in the world of lemmy they’re a huge annoyance.
Yeah nah, tankies are harmless
Look up “horseshoe theory”, might explain a few things
do you unironically believe in horseshoe theory?
I don’t buy that they have the same beliefs, but it’s interesting how the methods have some similarities — the stances definitely have significant enough differences though.
Wow, hold on, you’re saying people who want to change society in some way have similar methods? And that these methods are different from people who don’t want to change society? Crikey, I’m gonna need you to slow down, these ideas are just too complex, man!
The horseshoe theory is bullshit not because tankies and nazis don’t behave similarly, but because they’re not the two logical extremes of the same spectrum. You can be far left without being a tankie by just not being a bootlicker, and you can be far right without being a nazi by (you guessed it) also not being a bootlicker. Even with how many boots you lick the left/right division of the political spectrum is still horribly reductive, but it’s super important to split the axis of authoritarianism vs liberalism out of it when addressing tankies, because they have a lot of colloquially left beliefs with the authoritarianism and anti-progressivism commonly associated with the right wing.
It’s in the encyclopedia of political fallacies somewhere between “it isn’t corruption if it’s legal” and trickle down economics.
*look up “lying about being a socialist/feminist”, might explain a few things
Nah I’ve met some that genuinely believe the stuff they’re saying. Definitely there’s a lot of people just bullshitting to create outrage though.
What are the two terms please?
TERF (trans exclusive radical feminists) are basically transphobes who say “trans people are bad for women rights”.
Tankies are a bit more vague in usage. But basically these are self proclaimed socialists who are actually more into authoritarian leaders. They will appreciate Stalin for everything he did and defend North Korea’s political system. Sometimes even praise China and Russia for being “anti-imperialist”. So they have all the social backwards ideas, even more so than TERFS because why would they be feminists.
Yes, Russia is being extremely anti-imperialist in Ukraine, and it’s also China’s anti-imperialism that’s threatening Taiwan. Tankies just hate the west, they don’t have principles.
To be more precise it is anti-US-imperialism and hegemony, which itself is a fine sentiment but when you’re willing to let any right wing dictator lead that fight you’ve really lost any credibility as a leftist.
I would argue that Russia was imperialist during the tsar empire, the Soviet union and today. It just never stopped exploiting their colonies (at least everything east of the Ural are colonies inhabited by indigenous communities not recognized in their fight for freedom) and the Soviet union smashed all the attempts to create a socialist community that was beyond bolshevism like the black army in Ukraine or the anarchosyndicalists in Spain. As a leftist myself I don’t see any reason to have solitary with Soviets and people who refere positively to them.
yeah, makes sense, but exactly like you said, credibility is important. being anti-imperialist in general with a focus on us imperialism is very different from being against only american imperialism while actively supporting the imperialism of other countries such as russia or china
Tankies just hate the west, they don’t have principles.
They do have a principle: “The cruelty is the point”. This is usually used for far-right groups, who use conservatism as an excuse to hurt people, but it applies just as well to those who use anti-US sentiment to hurt people.
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Your bias is showing, lol.
Tankies are generally anti-west authies that root for self-proclaimed “communist” systems like China (which is state capitalist) or Russia (which is an oligopoly, the exact thing late stage capitalism devolves into). They generally spew the exact authoritarian and bigoted bullshit as the alt-right but do it under a different flag that historically opposed nazis, which is why they constantly claim that they’re somehow completely different and even more, “opposite” to nazis. Lemmy unfortunately has an infestation of them because the developers are tankies, which often shows on lemmy.ml (the instance said devs run).
Like most reactionaries, tankies have no principles either, just a group they hate and they will twist their ideology as much as it takes to get you that end result. For tankies, that group is “the west”. They will coat their bullshit in opposition of the ultra-rich (which most of us can agree on) but make no mistake, as long as you live in a western nation they want you gone, or at best subjugated. This is currently the most apparent in their support of Russia’s genocidal war against Ukraine, because it props up a power that they perceive as “friendly” to them, but you might also catch them supporting the Uighur genocide and respond with extreme amounts of whataboutism every time such a take is brought up, essentially detracting from any problem in world powers they align with with counter-accusations of “the west”.
Dessalines can eat shit
Easiest app uninstall of my life
What are you posting from?
Edit: Just learned that he was behind Jerboa, that shit getting teeth. Excited for Boost and Sync for Lemmy
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Ah yea, that’s why they executed the anarchists that wanted democracy and worked with them the moment they had power.
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Origin of the term didn’t originate with China and the Tiananmen square massacre…
From wiki:
The term “tankie” was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring uprising, or who more broadly adhered to pro-Soviet positions.
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it started with the Tiananmen Square riots
It actually started with British Marxist-Leninists who criticized the USSR’s use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and the communists who defended the USSR’s imperialism were called tankies.
It started as a way to call out people who call themselves communists but nonetheless engage in or defend imperialism, and to this day that remains the meaning of the word. There are some liberals out there who use the word against all leftists, as a way to imply that leftism is inherently authoritarian. But that is not largely how it is used online, and it’s definitely not how OP was using it.
Found a tankie.
What are the two terms please?
Either I’ve aged really fast, or you guys are speaking a new language, can someone explain what any of this means?