I’m looking for a free GUI that can download a YouTube channel in a particular language (i.e. Japanese) with it’s associated English subtitles preferably in SRT format.
I used 4K Video Downloader which worked fine for the “old” YT even though it was limited and I had to uninstall and reinstall a few times I got exactly what I wanted.
Then Google in all their stupidity decided to put all streams for a single video together so I can’t get what I want from 4K without downloading the video and then splitting the stream some way and downloading the Japanese audio to go with it.
Can anyone give me a simpler alternative to what I’m trying to do? I would appreciate any constructive input. Thanks!
No GUI but https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
It can download, mux the streams and I believe has options to select language.
Stacher is a great GUI for yt-dlp on Windows and MacOS.
yt-dlp -F {youtube url} - Will list the different streams for you, which you can then individually download with “-f {stream number}”. You can use ffmpeg to put them all back together after. I know op asked for gui, but I figured I would point out the command line options just in case it was helpful.
yt-dlp can use ffmpeg automatically: „-f {number1}+{number2}“ will merge stream number1 and number2 into one file
Upvoted - if you want to do cool things… learn how to use the command line interface. It’s what separates the men from the boys…
I love yt-dlp, it’s so useful.
You can get a GUI with it if you host
I use EDIT: jdownloader2 for YouTube video/audio. It may be more feature packed, but it’s easy enough once you’re comfortable with the GUI.
JD2 can download from a whole lot of sources been using it for years.
My antivirus flagged it as a virus (Potential Unwanted Program). Thank goodness it caught and quarantined it.
Sorry about that, it’s some issue with adware in that version of the installer (that doesn’t have to be installed). Their forum has a post about this problem. I edited my reply to direct to the “adware free” installer: https://jdownloader.org/jdownloader2
Phew, that worked better. No virus that time. I’ll give it a try and see if it’ll work for me. I was getting a bit nervous there for a minute. Thank you for updating your information!
It’s not a virus, it’s a Potentially Unwanted Programs bundled and it’s common Spyware, Adware, and miscellaneous paid to serve programs. Since windows and macs bundle their own types of potentially unwanted programs, I like to consider this as just larger corporations being hypocritical. Unfortunately, the majority of PUP that get flagged are typically worse than what these larger corporations bundle in their installers or products.
Jdownloader2 can download subtitles but I can’t recall if you can configure it to download subtitle for a specific language
Yeah, I liked Jdownloader2 but I can do about the same with 4K Video Downloader plus it conflicted and corrupted my IDM installation so I had to remove both and reinstall IDM to get it back working. Lesson 1: you don’t install 2 downloaders. LOL
I’ve been using Tartube for a few years, unsure of its subtitles capabilities, but it’s really feature packed and it wouldn’t surprise me if it can do you want.
Stacher.io uses yt-dlp and had a simple gui.
I use parabolic, but I think its linux-only
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