Smartphones have become our primary go to devices these days and other then mobile games, there is yuzu emulator and soon Cassia Wine Windows Games emu coming to Android by Skyline emu Devs, also the chances of running Windows desktop applications could come to life.
Samsung Dex and android desktop does allow us to use our phones with some stuff although you have to use Exagear, Termux, box86 or 64 or such stuff for now if you want to run Windows applications and games.
Cassia will have fex-core + wine or winege + wine hangover and the ability to make a wine prefix.
There is more details on Skyline server on Discord, Just have to search, sadly not on Matrix, otherwise on Mr Sujano’s YouTube channel.
My first challenge will be to run GTA 4 on Helio g80 with Mali-g52 in Cassia Wine.
2nd is Ms Access 2010 with SQL server 2014 in Cassia on a High end Snapdragon phone, maybe galaxy S20 fe 5g.
Sounds really crazy but I am committed to doing it. Also will let you know here as well. In a separate post.
What will you run or play first on your phone in Cassia.
Let me know as well guys. I am highly excited for this. Peace.
Definitely want to try out beamng on my s23, where can I try this?
It’s not released yet. It’s still cooking.
Cool, definitely keep us updated then!
this will not run well lol
I saw someone running it on a Oneplus 6 in a Windows VM or whatever, it ran pretty poorly (in the seconds per frame territory) but the 8gen2 is incredibly fast (about 1050ti equivalent on the GPU side) so that makes me think it could be quite usable at low settings and low resolution
beamng is quite heavy CPU wise which is why I question it
Yeah, will be interesting to try (if it even starts lol)
@[email protected]