how thoroughly unsurprising
As long clowns pay with this shit, the merchant will sell.
Best to vote with your money if you disapprove.
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Give Grim Dawn or Chronicon a try, they are awesome and scratch that ARPG itch good. Grim Dawn is actually getting a new patch, that game was released in 2016… and a few of its mods are top tier quality. goddamn it, i already have 2k hours in GD and i will fire it up again when the patch comes, i know it
Grim Dawn is my favourite, over a thousand hours in it
Have a look at last epoch, good game and interesting itemization.
I just checked, it’s still in Early Access. How much content does it have. I think there is no Campaign, right?
There is a campaign. Probably a bit shorter than poe. And with a mostly fleshed out endgame similar to poe. It’s definitely a more complete game than d4 right now. And with more build options that are really fun and interesting.
Ah cool. Thanks for the info.
Yeah, I couldn’t give a toss about Diablo with what they pulled with Immortal. But I’ve been waiting for PoE2’s release for a little while now, think it’ll be my jumping on point for the game.
Hah, “free”. I have spent too much on PoE.
True, true, but most of that for me was because they make a product I want to support. Really $30 worth of stash tabs makes the game very playable, and is pretty much all you need.
I’m looking forward to PoE 2. I used to love Path of Exile and played it a lot in the immediate years after it came out, but I feel like it’s been suffering from featurecreep and has become overly complex.
GGG have good ideas though, so I’m hoping a hard reset for the sequel will provide the perfect blank slate.
Last Epoch is loved by many and definitely worth looking into.
What’s locked behind Platinum? I thought it was just cosmetics. Is there any actually gameplay/QOL stuff that it gets you?
You’re right it’s just cosmetic stuff. However the battle pass itself costs money. So the idea that paying money for the battle pass doesn’t earn you enough to buy ANYTHING is kind of ridiculous. I know you unlock other things in the battle pass itself but still.
I only have this seasons battle pass because it came with the digital deluxe edition. I can’t see myself ever buying it.
If this is the case, they might as well not included. But it gives incentive to buy more platinum to actually buy something.
Yeah, that is exactly it. It’s a psychological trick to scam a few dollars out of people. Mobile games have been doing this exact shit for years, because it works. It’s the type of manipulative bullshit you’d expect from a “F2P” gacha mobile game, not a full price AAA title.
PC games do this for years already too…
Not that I disagree with you, because it is absurd, but I’ve been writing off the cost of the battle pass as just a way to get “discount” cosmetics. The overall cost of the cold iron set is cheaper than a standard store set at the cost of needing to grind to get it.
What an overhyped garbage fest lmaooo
A$120 for the game and they have the sheer ducking audacity to do a season pass in the first few months
To be fair to them, I don’t feel remotely like I need to buy it to keep up like I do with some titles though. I’ve still got plenty of content to be getting on with after 50 odd hours of play already.
If you are upset by this after they’ve been doing the same thing for almost 20 years and you brought into it again your a mug. You know what it’s going to be eventually as the first wave of sales dies off the microtrans starts up. A lot of people got in early got their 50-100 hours in and called it a day or didn’t bother after 3.
I went from playing WoW(2005 to legion), Diablo(2,3), Hearthstone(alot of expansions), and HotS to nothing. They got a lot of money out of me over the years but ultimately have lost my business moving forward.
Havent played D4… So wtf does the battle pass do? Is it required to play?
No, mostly/all cosmetic. Just gives you a sense of progression and goals to aim for.
Wait you get only some cosmetics? But there are still stuff that you dont get and need to buy? You pay for the game and a battle pass and you still don’t get everything?? That is some bullshit.
Isn’t that good? The game isn’t “pay-to-win”, only cosmetics are for sale?
Diablo fans are very hardcore, so Blizzard’s gonna laugh all the way to the bank.
Funny how COD has it but Diablo doesn’t. They must have some kind of data that shows only a small amount of people are playing COD enough to get the full amount of currency. Would have been a good look to offer full amount in the pass even if casual gamers couldn’t get it.
Fortnite and Rocket League have it too but COD/Diablo are the same company.
They figured the Immortal whales would move over to IV probably
me laughing at people silly enough to get diablo 4
It’s the first diablo game I’ve ever played and I had a blast with it. I don’t get the joke
I don’t get the joke
That’s because it’s not funny. It’s just self-righteous nonsense.
The joke is “blizzard bad lol” wich is true and funny.
i mean, not that self righteous nor nonsense when the joke is literally a large portion of us are aware that blizzard is a shite corrupt company with shite corrupt money grab tactics, specializing in hyping shit up and then letting people down while not giving a fuck.
better still, people just shell out that money to be let down time and time again, and lo, the complaints will start, the articles get fired up, and we have nice again enter into the blizzard cycle of of disappointment.
i put them on fucking watch with the shit they were doing for cataclysm. diablo 3 had a strong start but was overall meh.
overwatch was good for a time, then went to shit. they made change after change and it eventually became largely meaningless.
overwatch 2 is a joke. diablo mobile was a super obvious money grab.
and now tadaaaaaa diablo, and tadaaa lackluster promises and pay traps.
and people bitching about it.
and then articles getting written about it.
the circle of blizzard life.
i mean, not that self righteous nor nonsense when the joke is literally a large portion of us are aware that blizzard is a shite corrupt company with shite corrupt money grab tactics, specializing in hyping shit up and then letting people down while not giving a fuck.
No, your “joke” was about people throwing away money on a bad game while you laughed because of how much smarter you are that you didn’t buy. Everything about that is self-righteous, and nothing about how shitty Blizzard is as a company. They’re internal politics and subsequent lawsuit are evident to everyone, not just a LaRgE pOrTiOn oF Us. But guess what, they still put out games that millions enjoy. And waaay more people like d4 than don’t. Its a fun game. And nothing is locked behind pay walls. Nothing about it is a CorRuPt MoNeY GrAb; any money spent is purely on cosmetics and is 100% optional
better still, people just shell out that money to be let down time and time again, and lo, the complaints will start, the articles get fired up, and we have nice again enter into the blizzard cycle of of disappointment.
Again, that’s your weird take. Plenty of people like their games.
i put them on fucking watch
You’re an absurd almost cartoon like character
with the shit they were doing for cataclysm.
I played Cata. It was probably their worst expansion, but I can’t recall anything that warranted keyboard warriors to be put on watch lol
diablo 3 had a strong start but was overall meh.
Are you playing these have from a parallel universe?? D3 start was abysmal! From shitty servers, to that horribly ill thought out real money auction house, to just poor decision after poor decision being implemented, to the whole comminity calling for Jay Wilson’s head. That game got remarkably better years later after both Jay and that shitty AH were removed
diablo mobile was a super obvious money grab.
Yes. Embarrassingly so.
and now tadaaaaaa diablo, and tadaaa lackluster promises and pay traps.
What pay traps? You’re just taking out of your ass
and people bitching about it.
People bitch about everything. Look at you lol. Your whole take is warped, and you’re just trying to defend your “I’m smarter than everyone else” comment. Blizz has a track record of putting out good games, and fixing issues to bad roll outs, most everything they produce is available to all players, charging only for games, subs, and cosmetics. Not pay to win, no loot boxes, no gambling. (Minus that shit mobile game). And all your bitching and you havent even played it- just feeding off the negativity you can scrape from the internet
A/B is known for predatory actions towards players.
That’s capitalism for you. Doesn’t stop the Diablo games from being a lot of fun.
They aren’t any more predatory than any other big game firm, and far less than others like EA.
AB is known for being a shit place to work, hostile work environments, low pay, and a multitude of sexual harassment suits. They’re a shit company.
It’s not a joke, it’s a self righteous rant by someone who likes to think they’re better than you because they don’t like popular thing.
Big fan, been co-oping with my best friend just like we did with D3 and D2. And I feel no need to buy any of the cosmetics or passes, and we’re having a blast every night. That’s silly to you, lol?? Cool cool cool.
I’ve been playing and enjoying immensely. I would have been interested in buying a skin for my rogue but they never had anything I liked. They just put one out that is actually cool but when I looked how much real money it would cost…I just closed out the store and will probably never buy anything. $25. Twenty five whole dollars just for one skin for one character. No.
Yeah. After almost avoiding the game due to knowing it had passes and MTX, I’m surprised at how little the game has pushed them. I’ve put in about 50 hours and there’s plenty of content I still have to go. People just like to feel superior because they don’t like popular thing. Hipsters will always hipster.
This is exactly my stance… minus playing with your best friend. Mind throwing me an invite?
It was… A genuinely good game? Which surprised me.(I bought it after people were recommending it)
Then the patch hit. Then the season hit with terrible cosmetics and a coupon for your next purchase.
I still had fun with the campaign so I don’t regret it. But I definitely can’t recommend the game anymore.
Why, for my seventy quid I’ve already had over fifty hours of fun gameplay with plenty of content left to go. I haven’t even felt remotely like the game was funnelling me to spend more at any point either.
Some games handle MTX and Battlepasses terribly. This isn’t one of them.
I bought the deluxe version because I wanted access to the beta weekend and early access.
It came with the battle pass and will try to complete it but I will not buy another one. If this was a free to play game with no pay 2 win mechanics, I would from time to time have bought a pass or skin. They would have gotten more money out of me off they did.
The BattlePass is also terrible. I got it because I paid to play the game early, but I won’t be getting another one. I looked through it, and it’s worthless.
I never got the wow feeling that D2 and D3 gave me with this one.
Does Diablo 4 have a special sauce that allows the Blizzard to do this? Is it really that much better than Grim Dawn and Last Epoch?