Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP.
What are some examples that spring to mind for you?
I actively avoid Fedora Linux.
I feel like that’s the worst name of any brand distro m’linux
Ah, another Hannah Montana Linux user, I presume.
Are you scared of technology?
Yes --> Abacus
No --> Hannah Montana Linux
It was originally developed in 2003, just as the hat started to come back. The neck beard meme seems to have come about later in the 2000’s (
Same, I just can’t get over that name. I’m not sure if that’s because of or in spite of the fact that I had a fedora phase when I was younger…
I avoided the Instant Pot for a long time because it sounded cheap and all those functions couldn’t possibly work well.
I was wrong. I was so wrong.
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Mine makes yogurt from milk and yogurt.
It’s a perpetual yogurt machine.
And it makes chili!
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Warby Parker. Something about the name just completely frosts me. I know I should grow up and give them a chance (because Luxotica is fucking evil). But it really turns me off. “Warby Parker”…sounds like the name of some kid who’s dad owns racehorses.
I think part of the reason I use Zenni Optical online is because Warby Parker sounds like a place that’ll offer grandma glasses for stupid-expensive prices.
I tried Zenni a couple of times. Really wanted to like them. But the glasses they sent me were horrible. I do have a somewhat complex prescription, though. I suspect for basic prescriptions they are OK.
Mine are basic and yes, zenni crushes it every time. I even get my phone number lazered into the ear thingies so that people can call me if I lose them.
That’s because Warby Parker is a place that’ll offer grandma glasses for stupid-expensive prices.
I lived in a city, had occasional need for a car. A car club would have been ideal. Don’t need to spend thousands on a car upfront, don’t need to deal with maintenance, don’t need to secure parking.
Problem? The only car club in town was called whizzgo. Like, a toddler word for urination. Written on all the cars in big colourful letters. No thanks.
When I shop on Amazon and see the obvious China companies that sell the same product but have the strangest names. Definitely avoid those products. If I see only ships via fedex, I avoid doing business with that company. Dang, I know I have more just can’t think of them right now with morning brain.
Edit: I avoid many major brands too. I belive them to be selling because of the name alone rather than having a quality product anymore. Dr Scholls is one of those,
yeah, I do still buy from Chinese companies sometimes, but only if they are smart enough to use a name that doesn’t sound like someone just used a random password generator and said “good enough”… or … whatever the Cantonese equivalent of “good enough” is, I suppose.
This very Lemmy account is from embracing its domain name.
Ah yes, I U Search Linux
Actually confused kpop fans this way, since IU is the name of a kpop star.
Can’t hear Uber without hearing Nazis prattle about ubermensch.
…Are you aware that “über” is a normal German word meaning “over”?
Yes, ubermensch is a loanword in English, favored by cringy edgelords like the founder of Uber.
Do you have a source for your claim that Uber is named after “übermensch”? I couldn’t find it anywhere. Some webpages say that it’s just named after the prefix „über-“.
Hmm I always thought über meant “very.” Oops.
Do you know most non German speaking people have heard the word übermench ;-) ?
Yes. Doesn’t mean that anyone who uses the word „über“ is a Nazi.
Any product name which starts with “smart” or ends with “maker”.
Both are just e-waste OOTB.
If it wasn’t for the 5 ish messaging apps I have to maintain and my recent move to a new city (need maps), I’d try to avoid that one too.
Yep, that and also words that start with i…
I thought Fight Club was a boxing movie and had no interest in seeing it. I only saw it because I tried downloading Jackass on Kazaa and it ended up being Fight Club. The intro had me hooked.
I thought you werent supposed to talk about it?
Wait… It’s not a boxing movie? Haven’t seen it yet for the same reason.
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I’ve made a game titled Diarrhea 4 because someone mentioned that as a potential game name. Does that count?
goddamn, yeup fits the bill.
So easy! Whatsapp!
Dumbest. Name. Ever.
So hopelessly of its time, namely that moment when the word “app” was the coolest thing ever among normies because iPhone.
And, cherry on the top, coined by geeks with language skills so poor that they thought “app” rhymes with “up”, which it absolutely does not to anyone who speaks English properly.
What an embarrassingly dumb name.
I appreciate what you’re saying, but given the literal billions of users I’d say they absolutely nailed it.
If you want to make money hand-over-fist , you can’t shy away from the “normies.” IMO, using “normies” unironically is way more cringe.
Squirt, the soda.
Squirt, the act.
Avoided: Captain Laserhawk - A Blood Dragon Remix. The title is just so …edgy. I took one look at it and immediatly lost all interest.
Spoiler: Big mistake. Once I did finally try it out, I immediatly binged all 6 episodes and was devastated that there wasn’t more. Fair warning tho, the 18+ rating is completely justified.
Embraced: The Owl House. I had no idea what the show was even about, but the name has a nice ring to it so I got curious and gave it a try … with a similar result as mentioned above (binge it all and be devastated that there isn’t more of it)
Semi-related tho not about the name: I refuse to shop in ANY store that has a self-checkout. And by that, I do not mean that I just refuse to use the self-checkout - I will reject the entire store for that sh*tty business decision. You either employ enough actual cashiers or you can go jump in the lake. Yes it is petty and childish, but I still feel it is justified.
Where do you get groceries? The only grocery store near me without any self checkout is Trader Joe’s, and while I usually shop there first, there’s always something I need that they don’t carry.
I live in Germany. There are eight different supermarkets within driving distance (less than half an hour), and two smaller markets within walking distance. Two of the big markets have self-checkouts, so I stopped shopping there altogether out of spite.
EDIT: just to visualize the statement, this is one of the cities around these parts (~150k people). Not my actual home as I don’t post personal stuff online, but a good representation of the situation.
Everything within the blue area is less than 20 minutes walking distance away from the blue marker in the middle, and every red marker is a supermarket. If someone dislikes a shop for any reason, it is a matter of minutes to find a different one.
The owl house was so sweet. Warms my heart! Had to show it to my SO who was a bit reluctant at first but grew to love it :)
Did you know that TOH has its own community on Lemmy? [email protected]
Mostly MoringMarks comics, but they’re an incredilbly in-character work of art ;)
(Sort by “oldest first” because there are lots of ongoing stories between the oneshots)
Yes! I’ve seen it pop up in c/all occasionally :)
I’d love to be able to boycott places with self checkouts as I hate that shit too but I also need to eat and unless I started just eating crisps and sweets from the local newsagents I wouldn’t be able to buy any food at all around here :(
What the shit? Self checkouts are the best things ever in invented. It saves me from 1 awkward interaction a day.
Does judging books by their cover count? Seems like in the same vein…
In the 90s, I avoided Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan series books because the Baen covers were awful, and at the time she hadn’t written books for any other publisher so I didn’t get introduced to her via that route. In the 2010s I finally read her books…and I was mad as hell that they’d put such ugly covers on them back in the day, because I would’ve been crazy about this series in the 90s!
in the same vein, I’m so glad they reprinted Glen Cook’s Black Company books, because no one I tried to get interested in them would read them with the old covers. I’m not sure even I did. I certainly can’t imagine I deliberately chose to pick up a book with this cover.
I’ve got that paperback.
I used to! I picked up a set of Black Co at a used book store to try and loan out. finally didn’t come back after I “lost” the cover and apologized for the state of the book I was loaning. but got another convert, so a win in my book.