Hey all, first of all I want to thank those of you who encouraged me to go through with colouring my hair in the other thread. I definitely would have chickened out and not gone ahead with it if it wasn’t for this lovely community so thank you so much. ❤️
To the matter at hand I done it! It’s not exactly the colour I envisioned but I’m very happy with the results! I’m realising only now after the fact that I definitely should have dyed my beard too but you live and learn!
My partners banned me from having blue hair because I’d constantly make jokes about having blue hair and pronouns every chance I got. Such a shame, because blue looks good on so many people! The small things matter, glad you’re able to feel safe enough to express yourself in this manner now 😄
It’s down to the kind and supportive community you have helped foster here that I felt comfortable sharing and being true to myself. So thank you dearly, Gaywallet ❤️
That looks super great on you!! Congrats! 🥳
Thanks Chloyster! ❤️
It looks great! Thanks for following up with your original post!
Thanks Birdcatname! 😊 After the overwhelming support I got in the other thread I had to follow up with you guys ❤️
The color is really nice, has good depth. I think the beard being its natural color looks great!
I started dying my hair about a year ago and it’s been such a good thing for how I feel about myself!
I know it’s still early days but I feel great after getting it coloured. Sorry if this is too deep but I’ve never really expressed myself properly through my appearance thanks to my Mom stomping out any sign of individuality I ever showed as a teen. Finally letting loose and doing what I want feels amazing.
You look fabulous!
Aw thanks, Luna. I appreciate your kind words 😊 ❤️
Okay here me out. Blue hair, grey beard? (Idk if that’s possible but it would look ballin)
ooooo with a slight gradient down the side burns!
Yes definitely
Haha I love this community. I went to bed feeling pretty great about myself and then come back to you two planning a whole look for me, giving me another boost! 😅. Thanks for the suggestions! I love the idea of a gradiented grey/white beard! ❤️
Do what makes you happy but you look great rn regardless!
if I didn’t know better I would say you were born with it
Awh shucks, thanks Bubble Water! 😊 ❤️
Has a subtle metallic shine, it’s cool!
Just another comment… I like the natural beard with the blue.
I love it! The shine is great. I like it without the beard colour, adds contrast
Thanks again Emily! 😊❤️ I’m starting to get used to the contrast now after spending the day with it and I’m loving it! I just went for a walk and feel like a million bucks!
I actually think the blue beard would have been too much - you look amazing!
Yeah I think you could be right, I’d run the risk of looking like a smurf haha. Thanks, alex 😊 ❤️
From one blue-haired beauty to another, totally suits you! I hope you feel as good as you look! ❤️
Thank you! 😊 ❤️ I just went for a walk and feel like a million bucks!
Damn that’s such a nice blue! Thanks for updating with a pic. You look great!
Thanks again, Velociraptor! I really love the colour 😀 ❤️
Ooh, that was quick.
Looks awesome, and I think even better than the photo with the filter suggested. If you think you’d prefer the way it was in the filter, you’d probably have to lighten your hair a lot first, but there’s loads of detailed advice out there.
Looks awesome, I think the color is great! It’s hard to get a perfect color match, so if you can make a note of what product was used you can talk to the stylist the next time about trying something else to get closer to what you pictured in your head.
Hey distractedcactus! Thanks again for your kindness and support. ❤️ I took a photo of the product that was used today but honestly, although it is different to what I had in my head, I really like it and it might actually be better than what I originally wanted!