Hey all, first of all I want to thank those of you who encouraged me to go through with colouring my hair in the other thread. I definitely would have chickened out and not gone ahead with it if it wasn’t for this lovely community so thank you so much. ❤️
To the matter at hand I done it! It’s not exactly the colour I envisioned but I’m very happy with the results! I’m realising only now after the fact that I definitely should have dyed my beard too but you live and learn!
Looks awesome, I think the color is great! It’s hard to get a perfect color match, so if you can make a note of what product was used you can talk to the stylist the next time about trying something else to get closer to what you pictured in your head.
Hey distractedcactus! Thanks again for your kindness and support. ❤️ I took a photo of the product that was used today but honestly, although it is different to what I had in my head, I really like it and it might actually be better than what I originally wanted!