Greetings to all.
I have spent the last couple of evenings learning about Rust and trying it out. Wrote a simple cli calculator as a first thing and thought I would improve it by making it available over http.
I was actually a bit surprised to find that there was no http tooling in the standard library, and searching online gave me an overload of information on different libraries and frameworks.
I ended up implementing my own simple HTTP server, might as well as this is a learning project.
Now I have it working, and while it isn’t perfect or done, I thought that this would be a good time to check what things I am doing wrong/badly.
Which is why I am here, would love to get some pointers on it all to make sure I am going in the right direction in the future.
The project is hosted here:
Only in languages that do not consider long term support before adding stuff to the standard library.
There really isn’t a good reason to add things like protocols that change significantly over time in a standard library.