I asked Bard to give me a generic reason for firing a CEO.
Certainly, here are some vague reasons for firing the CEO of an AI company:
Leadership concerns: The CEO’s leadership style or personal conduct was not in line with the company’s values or culture. This could include issues such as lack of transparency, poor communication, or ethical breaches.
No, Bard is just making a prediction based on the way CEO firings are presented in press releases. Those press releases are never the “real” reason, what we’re seeing here is the way a board would frame the firing of its CEO. “Ethical breach” is the term used when “The CEO was killing hookers for fun and WHOO-WEE we did NOT want to get any of that on us,” is not considered appropriate to tell the press.
I asked Bard to give me a generic reason for firing a CEO.
Bard is on copium with that last one.
No, Bard is just making a prediction based on the way CEO firings are presented in press releases. Those press releases are never the “real” reason, what we’re seeing here is the way a board would frame the firing of its CEO. “Ethical breach” is the term used when “The CEO was killing hookers for fun and WHOO-WEE we did NOT want to get any of that on us,” is not considered appropriate to tell the press.