Aww man, you got my hopes up that the next chapter was out. Honestly it’s kind of bittersweet, 4 more chapters to go before it’s over.
This is an excellent comic. When I first discovered it, I couldn’t put it down. What an insane situation. I think it’s important to be and to recognize the signs so schools like that can be avoided/destroyed.
Such a great read about an absolutely insane situation. Feel so bad for all those kids that had to go through it.
Where they kidnap you from your bed, with your parents consent only, and then treat you like you’re in boot camp/prison. This should absolutely be illegal.
Man, I remember reading this a year ago and it was so gripping I couldn’t stop until I’d read the most recent comic, but so terrifying that I couldn’t sleep after I finished. That Elan school had such a strong network of informants that they could kidnap an escapee all the way in New York City is nothing short of horrific.