I too remember those bygone days of the modem handshake sound.
I had that as my cellphone ringtone for so long. An intern at work asked me once why my ringtone was the sound that a fax machine makes, and I could help but think “Oh, you sweet summer child.”
Ooooh! Look at you with yer fancy 14.4k modem! 13 year old me was pretty excited after swapping out a old 300 bps modem for a “blazingly fast” 1200 bps. BBS menus loaded almost instantly! Prodigy running on an IBM XT with 640k was almost usable!
I’m old enough to remember dialing into different BBSs with my 14.4 Kbps modem.
These days my teenaged son is complaining that his 12GB Fortnite update isn’t downloading fast enough and he has to wait a whole 20 minutes.
I too remember those bygone days of the modem handshake sound. I wish all these kids would get off my lawn.
I had that as my cellphone ringtone for so long. An intern at work asked me once why my ringtone was the sound that a fax machine makes, and I could help but think “Oh, you sweet summer child.”
14.4kbps what are you from the future?
In all fairness, it probably did take less time to load messages on BBSs than it takes to update Fortnite :)
Ooooh! Look at you with yer fancy 14.4k modem! 13 year old me was pretty excited after swapping out a old 300 bps modem for a “blazingly fast” 1200 bps. BBS menus loaded almost instantly! Prodigy running on an IBM XT with 640k was almost usable!
We went from a 14.4 to a 56 and it was… mind blowing