Hello everyone,
I wanted to post this in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community but it seems pretty much dead so I’m gonna post it here instead.
I wanted to write a guide on how to play Anomaly on Linux which works as of 19th November 2023.
I use Arch with KDE plasma (and I also tested it with Xfce4) and it works perfectly fine, it even seems to work on Wayland session but I haven’t done extensive testing. It should work for any distro as long as it has what you need. So here it goes.
Step 0: Requirements
You’ll need to have Steam, Protontricks, and obviously the game files downloaded from the official sources
Step 1: Extract the game files
You can put them wherever you want, I personally chose ~/Games/Anomaly/. Essentially put the “.7z” files wherever and extract them, I do this with this terminal command:
7z x Anomaly-
and then
7z x Anomaly-1.5.1-to-1.5.2-Update.7z
Make sure to overwrite anything when extracting the 1.5.2 patch
Step 2: Add the game to steam
Open up steam, on the top right go to games > Add a non-Steam game > Browse and then navigate to and select the .exe file, then Add program.
Step 3: Set up Steam compatibility layer
On your Steam library Right click the Anomaly game and go to Properties > Compatibility and click Force the use of a specific compatibility layer and select whichever proton version you prefer. I went with Proton experimental and it works fine. After all of this is done, run it once and wait for it to crash.
Step 4: Protontricks compatibility
Now open up protontricks, I’ll use the GUI via running:
protontricks --gui
Then, select the Anomaly game > Default profile > Install DLL and you’ll want to select these:
- d3dcompiler_43
- d3dcompiler_47
- d3dx10
- d3dx11_43
- d3dx9
- d3dx9_43
Let it install everything then close it and launch the game via steam. You’re set to go.
I was a fan of STALKER. What is Anomaly?
Standalone mod which is basically a whole new stalker game
a much harder stalker game, thats set across all the regions from SoC/CS/CoP.
You should also post this to the STALKER community. Make the content you want to see, otherwise it’ll never get better.
Appreciate it!
thw hero that we don’t deserve
Did they update the installer finally?
Last time I did Anomaly the install script was written in powershell, and the only way I could get it to run was to install a windows VM and install it from there… updating and running was fine afterwards via lutris, but just getting it installed required a windows VM.
I wouldn’t use the installer. Just need to download and extract files.
Yebbb @tiny fishing
This extension allow you to play BitLife Life Simulator Unblocked game on your Edge browser.
I just put it in lutris and it worked out of the box with wine ge
I had issues installing it with Lutris for whatever reason. This one works wonders for me.
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