*** Originally posted in r/cuckoldstories2. The original user account has been deleted :( ***

So for the full background of our situation, you can check out my post history, but basically - my wife and I are both 24, grew up very conservatively and so were virgins when we got married, and therefore never really had any sexual experience. We started talking last year about an open relationship, but I didn’t love the idea until we found cuckolding. I like that she’s my one and only etc. but she’s wanted to explore, and cuckolding gave us a great way to do both of those.

A couple months ago she started looking for someone using Tinder, but really didn’t click with anyone our age as they didn’t understand our background etc. At the suggestion of reddit she switched over to Feeld and met someone who she did click with - he’s 34, previous experienced in an open relationship and even as a bull of sorts. They met up for coffee a couple weeks ago (I posted about it when it happened), they kissed then, and she was super into him. So she then wanted to meet up with him for real. We made plans for this past Saturday to go out to drinks with him at this bar, and then we booked an Airbnb for them to go back to. He lives kinda further away from us so she didn’t want to travel all that way the first real time with him.

Saturday Day:

We were both nervous AF the days leading up to it, but also very excited about it. Saturday morning she went out to breakfast with a friend of hers who knows what we’re trying - this friend is poly and has given great advice on that front so she wanted to chat to calm her nerves. When she got home, we hung out together just being lazy and stuff for most of the day. When it was nearing time, she took a bath - I got her bath bombs and candles and things so she could relax and she loved that, she felt pampered and enjoyed that part of getting ready. She did most of that on her own but I did watch her get dressed. She wasn’t wearing anything too sexy but did have a new matching bra and underwear set that was super cute. We were both pretty on edge all day as we were nervous but I also felt super close with her. The one thing we did that was very symbolic for us is that she took off her wedding ring and left it in her jewelry box. It’s not even that she wears it all the time usually, but there’s a big element for us given our upbringing about marriage and her no longer being constrained by the marriage and that really nailed it home for us.

Saturday Evening:

She left around 6:30 for their 7:00 date, and it really felt surreal to kiss her goodbye and send her on her way to be with another man. She was so nervous, must have asked me 100 times how she looked, and if I was okay etc. But finally she left, and yeah, surreal is the only way to put it. I was pretty quickly enveloped with angst, wonder what they were doing, how it was going, etc. I had every intention of sitting on here and chatting about it but the feelings were so overwhelming I had to sort of chill, play video games and try to mellow out.

Our rules were basically only use protection, and text for safety (i.e. when she got there, when she went to the airbnb etc.) So she texted me when she got to the bar, then nothing for a while, then like 2 hours later texted and said that she was having a great time, they were going to have one more drink and then go to the airbnb. That was such a shockwave to me, like - her saying it’s going to happen, and when. She didn’t text again for like an hour, and I was wondering when they were gunna leave to the place, but then she texted me that she needed the door code. She was having issues signing into the airbnb account and needed me to give her the code for it. That was kinda wild, and if there was ever a time to back out it would have been then. But I didn’t, I gave her the code, and that was that, it was gunna happen.

At this point I started watching porn and edging and it was all so overwhelmingly hot thinking about what they were getting up to. She didn’t text me again until 1:30 and said that she was heading home. I asked her how it was but she basically just said she had a really good time and left it at that.

When she got home I wanted to pounce on her as soon as she walked through the door, but instead took the advice of people here and was patient - she washed up, got changed, came to bed and laid with me. I asked her how the night was and she said that it was really good. She said that she loved hanging out with him and they had a ton of fun at the bar. She’s like if we didn’t have the airbnb booked we could have stayed there all night. I asked her if they had sex, and she said yes. She asked me how I felt about that and I told her I wasn’t sure but it was very hot and I’m glad she got to do it. I asked if she enjoyed it and she said she did, a lot. I asked if she wanted to have sex and she said not now but asked if I needed to cum, I said no. Before bed she asked if I still love her. And it was so sweet to say yes of course, more than anything and cuddle up with her.


When we got up on Sunday I made breakfast and coffee and kinda pampered her, we hung out and watched some shows and had a lazy day. She was pretty emotional about it during the day, wanting lots of cuddling and closeness and said that she was feeling really guilty about it, about having done that and about having enjoyed it etc. There’s a lot there in terms of how we were raised etc. but I was super reassuring to her that it was all okay and wonderful, and she started to feel more okay with it as the day went on. She’s still feeling that guilt a bit but it’s not as overwhelming as it was that morning.

Sunday night after dinner she made us old fashioneds and sat down on the couch with me and said she was ready to talk about it some if I wanted. I did, so she told me about it. Not a play by play, but she gave the highlights - how they climbed into bed and made out, that they got completely naked and were grinding on each other before doing anything, how she sucked his cock and then eventually that they had sex. She came from it that first time, and after she recovered they went back at it and he came in her with a condom on. They messed around for a while and then had sex for a second time before she left. She showed me with her hands how big he was and it’s prob around 7 inches, and she said he was thick and hit the spots for her.

She was kinda feeling guilty again after laying that all out so we ended up just cuddling and stuff that night, and it was a surprisingly sweet and emotional thing.


This morning we got up and she wasn’t feeling as guilty about it and I was being really supportive and so she was more feeling very appreciative that I let her do this, that she gets to experience all of this with me and have a supportive partner through it all. She got emotional at one point and cried a bit, happy tears though of love and acceptance. Tonight we were hanging out and she’s like do you still want to have sex with me after this? And of course I said yes and we did, it was really sweet and incredibly loving. Overall after today I feel even closer to her than ever before, and it’s clear that she feels the same.

We talked a bit about it and she said she does want to see him again, and she texted with him some today. We will talk this week about when the next time will be and what it’ll be like, but it sounds like we’re on a good path to keep doing this.