Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!
Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.
Playing outer wilds for the first time. I’m kinda stuck but I don’t want to look up a guide in case I see spoilers!
I dunno if the community’s migrated or is still over on reddit, but /r/outerwilds was always good for gentle hints, for those who want them.
I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone yet who QUITE got all the puzzles in their own. Some of them are a RIGHT bitch, so don’t feel too bad if you need to get a little bit of help.
I used a walkthrough right at the very end. The final bit is time sensitive so I was mostly just confirming that I knew what to do and didn’t have to repeat it.
This was my experience too. I knew what I had to do, but I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was correct cos I couldn’t get out of that one place for a little bit. You know… That place
I dunno if the community’s migrated or is still over on reddit, but /r/outerwilds was always good for gentle hints, for those who want them.
Looks like there’s a small one at [email protected] - not much content yet, but so it is while the instance has its initial growth.
Try doing something else for a while, go see other planets, other leads you’ve been following. A lot of places I thought I was stuck in I later realized it was a part of a different puzzle elsewhere in the game.
Where are you stuck?
Last piece of advice, don’t give up on the game. It’s one of those games where you’ll be glad you finished it.
Man I want to get into that game so much, but I just can’t handle the controls. I understand them, and I appreciate that they actually have that type of system in the game… But I’m fighting the ship far more than I’m playing the game.
It plays a lot better with a gamepad. I bounced off it the first time I tried and then the second time I played it on my Steam Deck and got so sucked in that I finished it in a couple of days
I haven’t played a PC game without a gamepad in like ten years, that’s not my problem. I’m just getting old and my coordination/reaction isn’t the best anymore lol
Me too! I’ve already had to search for some very specific things so far. I’ve been trying to avoid a guide, but I’m not sure how much longer I can put it off. It’s just very boring to have to head back to places if I get something time sensitive wrong. I’ll probably stick with it, but it hasn’t been keeping my interest as well as I hoped. It just feels like I’m repeating myself a lot and that’s really boring.
I just got Tears of the Kingdom. I was able to go in completely blind (other than knowing what the main powers are) and hooooly shit it’s amazing.
If Breath of the Wild was inspired by Zelda 1, this game is the Link to the Past version.
I miss Stasis and the remote bombs though. I wish they also kept my house. I just got my horses back.
It’s a great game but a terrible sequel. Granted, I’m only up to the 3rd “dungeon” now but I dont see it coming up with a plot to tie it better with BOTW.
It’s a new gold standard of sequels, how in the world could you say it’s terrible? It improves on almost every single thing from the original. I don’t know what you mean by plot to tie it better with BotW. Its clearly a continuation of every character and location from the first game. I feel bad for anyone that plays this before BotW, they probably have no idea who any one or thing is.
Recall is the evolution of stasis. Bombs should never have been unlimited anyways. Besides, there’s multiple different ways to get the same effect as bombs now by using different items and fusing things together, and using arrows.
The house was a little jarring. But I smiled because it’s Zeldas house now and that’s kinda cute. The horses surprised me, I had no idea they were going to do that. One problem with them though is they take the data from your regular save, and my main save was the master quest so i didn’t get the cool horses back But that’s whatever in the end.
Stasis had the momentum thing going on and you could do some wacky stuff with it. And remote bombs had fun interactions too because you could place yourself and then detonate it.
There’s barely anything from BOTW that carried over plotwise. It feels like nods to BOTW but it doesnt feel sequelly to me. Did I lose my champion powers from the gloom from Ganon? (Revali’s gale please come back) Why is the purah pad a downgrade from the sheikah slate? Did the guardians become the towers? The whole 100 year war seems like an afterthought and it mostly feels like just a new game. And where the hell is my stuff? I wish they just kept my armor in a chest in the house or something.
Gold standard of sequels is a stretch imo. Gameplay, a bit. Plot, definitely not. It’s not Arkham City or God of War on plot and carryovers and it aint no Diablo 2 in gameplay improvement.
Sequels don’t need to retain the same abilities as the previous games to be a sequel. I’m not sure you’ve talked to any NPCs at all if you don’t think there’s no continuity. No gameplay improvements? Are we even talking about the same game?
But hey if the game isn’t for you that’s fine. There’s no need to make things up though lol it’s just a game.
When did I say that I didnt like the game? It feels as if youre offended by this opinion and just assuming stuff that isnt even on my comment. Im playing the game right now and im loving it, its just not sequelly enough for me.
It was so hard to dodge spoilers! I also went in mostly blind, and it’s been pure joy. But also… feeling a bit overwhelmed! There’s SO MUCH to explore and do, and I have serious anxiety that I’m going to miss things or forget to go back somewhere.
Yeah I feel that. I just assume I’m going to miss stuff and go with it.
I am constantly amazed how much there is to explore. The world is so freaking huge with so many layers. I’ve been in little areas thinking “I’ll just check this out for a second” and an hour later I’m still seeing what’s around the corner in that area.
This game is amazing, I’ve playing for a few months and it’s the type of game that every session you find out something cool to explore.
I’m 60 hours deep into Balders Gate 3 so I’ve been trying to chill out and not play until full release next week. Ive been having a lot of fun with Dave the Diver in the meantime.
I took a break from BG because I didn’t want to get burned out on the starting area. Really looking forward to the release.
The struggle is so very real.
I play a weekly dnd session. I’ve been playing for almost 7 years. I thought I’d check out baldurs gate. I got absolutely bodied in the first encounter.
I learned 2 things; my DM is very kind and wants us all to have fun, baldurs gate is not kind and is coldly indifferent to my concept of fun.
I’m exaggerating a bit, but it was tougher than I thought. Saving helps a lot. I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten wrecked right away if I planned better.
Yea some of the encounters are quite difficult in the early stages. Once you get a full party and some levels/items it gets smoother
Do you mean the original Baldurs Gate or Baldurs Gate 3, the upcoming one?
I’m sure it’s the upcoming, it’s been in EA for almost a year so plenty of people like myself have been playing it for some time
Couldn’t be too sure, older games tend to be a bit more brutal and I think the original uses a bit of less forgiving ruleset.
And I’ve played the Early Access as well, just last week. The combat didn’t seem to hard, though I may have just been better planned and more aware of how much more combat-focused CRPGs tend to be over TTRPG.
I think the biggest difference is that my brother is our DM and he’ll pull his punches if he can tell we’re getting really bad luck or frustrated.
Baldurs Gate doesn’t do that, and really shouldn’t. It’s supposed to be challenging. Ngl, having to control your entire party in combat is kinda difficult for me. I guess I’m too used to only having control of just my PC that it’s intimidating playing the other classes, especially the ones I don’t have much experience with. I also don’t have other player’s turns to plan my next turn.
Growing pains, I’m looking forward to the full release.
The up coming one
Hi all, I’m Nailbar, and I am now a Subnautica addict.
Hi Nailbar.
Just finished that! It was fun, but also really stressful, especially earlier on. The map was also super confusing at times.
I’ve tried 10-15 times to finish it on hardcore mode. The most recent time, ::: I was killed by a warper bringing up my last load from the lost river trying to finish the rocket ::: and I literally can’t any more.
I’m playing it wrong and have not been trying to get home at all. Just happily building things.
That doesn’t sound like the wrong way to play at all! 😁
Welcome to the family Nailbar. I played it for the first time 3/4 months ago and spent a ton of time just idly exploring while terrified of leviathans
I’m still on Death Stranding like last week. I can’t get enough of this game, though I wish the Director’s Cut version was available on Game Pass
Just finished my second play through a couple weeks ago, what an incredibly unique game. The balance system almost felt like a rhythm game to me, really makes me hope it inspires other similar games. This was my first time on directors cut, I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of bonus content. Definitely worth playing if it ever goes on a big sale or gamepass.
I just finished Directors Cut and currently trying to 100% it. Just can’t get enough of it! What’s the difference between DC and the original release? Could you please tell me if the spoiler tag is working on your end if you don’t mind?
Spoiler tag test
Unfortunately it doesn’t look like spoiler tags are working for me (I’m on voyager, formerly wefwef.) So I’ll just spam spoiler and hope people see it lol.
:::Tons of equipment/vehicles were added in the DC that were super helpful earlier in the game. The transporter trike jumps out at me as being a game changer. Also they added that loop of road that goes through the mountains in the second map which was very helpful:::
OK spoiler tag definitely doesn’t work haha. I’m using liftoff which comes with built-in tools for spoilers but it didn’t work too.
Transporter Trike is hands down my favourite vehicle in the game! It’s a shame that I had to stop using it once I got to the mountains. It’s just impossible to get S rank for premium LL time sensitive deliveries with them. Plus ziplines are immune to BTs.
To be honest I’d very much prefer riding the bike than zipping around. The latter was cool at the beginning but became too much of a chore later on and really breaks immersion for me. Would be nice if they could add some sort of snow bikes. Maybe we’ll see that in DS2.
I am hopelessly addicted to Battlebit Remastered
Dave The Diver.
TF2 has recently released an update that allows server owners to have up to 100 players connected at once. Not officially supported, but up to 64 players seems to be stable enough (even more so if you run a server plugin to remove player cosmetics). So that’s been taking my attention recently. 64 player SZF was gloriously chaotic.
I’ve been getting into the Green Lantern superhero, so I bought the 3DS and X360 games. 360 game is still on it’s way, but personally I can confirm that the 3DS game is typical of what you’d expect from a licensed game. Really low frame rate (10s to 20s) the second anything is on screen alongside Green Lantern, which makes me wonder how the DS version of the game ran if at all. It does have some neat things going for it, the combat it is alright despite the low fps, but really It’s just a time waster for by breaks at work. I also impulse bought the Heroclix Sinestro Corps War Sinario Pack, and maybe I’ll get a friend to indulge me with a game or two.
I tried out the TF2 update, but the map with the seal seems to operate on a game mode that doesn’t reward being a partial contributor. If you only get a few kills each match, your objective score is zero, because you’re not the sole survivor of big brawls able to cart off all the kill score to the device that lets you cash them in (device in this case being a cute seal)
Man, I’ve been wanting to try out one of those TF2 megaservers but couldn’t find an open one. How long until we get that coveted battle royale custom gamemode?
Cult of the Lamb. I beat it back in November but picked it up again after the developers added a lot. I’ve been enjoying my replay. The new additions and changes fixed some of the things that annoyed me on my first playthrough.
Hades it turns is quite beatable with a bow even if your reflexes are not great. And Control for whne i need more chill.
And for some reason I cannot kick my decade long Nhl habit.
Hades is literally my favorite game of all time. I used to pass on rougelikes and other “hard” games, but decided to try it out after hearing about how it was pretty good.
I got it on my switch and got hooked. I loved it so much. It got me into challenging games. I’m even dabbling in soulslikes now.
I bought it on my PC when I upgraded. I wanted to support the devs, so I bought it for my brother and two other friends. I even bought it for a stranger I met a party because it was on sale.
I recently set up a private Valheim server for me and a friend. So far it’s great fun. We just made it to the mountains tier. It’s a bit grindy, but a very fun and relaxed grind.
Remnant 2, I usually don’t play games on release but I had to make an exception for this one, it’s so good.
It’s. So. Good.
I picked up Scorn last week to try out on my Steam Deck and it’s been an awesome journey through a Giger-esque universe.
Also, I don’t care what people think, I’ve been farting around in Diablo 4.
I finally finished Final Fantasy VI yesterday (a ROM-hack of the SNES original).
Being a long game, and having already played for 15 hours before losing my progress and starting again, it was a very full-on experience.
What rom hack did you play? I’ve been meaning to do another playthrough and I’m not impressed enough with pixel remaster to buy that.
It was the ROSE “Revised Old Style Edition”. Basically the original game with revised translation and current naming conventions.
Think I initially patched the wrong version of the ROM, and then had some further issues because of that, but got there in the end!
Stardew valley and mini motorways. Recently finished hue which is a nice little puzzle game. Still need to finish just cause 3