I wish I had merely 27 😅
I prefer emotional support Firefox tabs
I’ve just counted and I have 74 Firefox windows open… god knows how many tabs that is…
Yes Mr President, I have found the source of climate change
You might want to talk to a therapist.
blink twice if you’re in danger
I am the danger!
Damn this gives me anxiety but makes me feel better at the same time.
It’s cut off because it’s 1204
FYI Auto tab discard is what allows this monstrosity to exist. I’ve hit 5k tabs before Firefox freezes or crashes on my decade old i7 with 16gb ram.
… and I was just trying to wrap my head around 400 tabs in 8 windows.
edit: I think I’ve just gotten a habit of saving to bookmarks so the browser doesn’t take forever to open, before unloading inactive tabs became a thing.
I mean 8 windows alone are anoying enough. How are you supposed to find your main one, without circulating through all of them?
Each window serves a different purpose, and tabs in each window are usually grouped together so that they’re somewhat related.
As someone who does something similar, you should try Sidebery. It lets you have tab panels - basically groups - and each one has a tree of tabs. Much better than having a large amount of windows.
1 Windows alone is also annoying, that’s why I use Linux
Gimme a Tabs To Date counter
holy shit
Only 27?
You’re a normal, functional person.
Firefox: you have ♾️ tabs because why bother counting above 100
It happens so faaaast
27? My phone has so many tabs open that it only shows a “:D” as the number.
Have… Have I found my people?
Firefox on mobile says “∞”.
I just did a purge and I’m down to 4. It’ll be interesting to see how fast it gets back to :D
13.4 days.
I counted the tabs on the phone browser I use for reading user submitted stories…471 tabs in total…
More than I thought.How long did it take to count them
Since it counts grouped tabs (chrome android) I only had to count about 15 groups.
That’s more like it.
Missed a 0.
I mean if you have over 5000 tabs open, your system is probably smoking weed and drinking molten salt, just to keep cool.
Bob knows that my system can’t really function with more than about 250 tabs open.
Firefox gives up keeping open tabs up to date. I’ve had 5000 tabs open without any slowdown. But I do realise this is about Chrome…
I use Firefox and I’m kind of old school, I don’t usually leave tabs open.
I just have a bookmark folder for temporary bookmarks. All 500 of them.
And here’s me who uses tab groups but ends up putting most of my random tabs in random tab groups so it ends up being unorganised
Stop attacking me and my “ToDo Sort” bookmark folder… >:(
27? Those are rookie numbers.
I believe I have between 100 and 200 open tabs. That’s just on my main browser. I’ll get back to them, I swear
I’m actually, actively using that much. They’re all about Nextcloud, Nginx, Gitlab, Plex, etc. Docs, issues, tutorials, wikis.
Rookie numbers
Should be moving to Firefox, chrome is like a toxic girlfriend that’s evil to the core but tries to keep you with gaslighting
Knew this would be here.
It should be “Browser tabs”
I would love to go back to Firefox, but ironically Edge is better at syncing things regularly for me. And I need that sync so that I don’t need to have all the 50 or so tabs on my phone too.
I gave up on tab management ages ago. Current window has 144 tabs, with a total of 5670 tabs spread across 50 windows.
I swear I don’t have a problem, I can stop any time I want >.>
I mean this genuinely; how do you even navigate that many tabs? Like, if you are honest with yourself can you truthfully say that you can easily find what you are looking for between 50 windows with an average of more than 100 tabs each? I max out at like 30 tabs between a few windows and I find myself lost when navigating them
I’d assume Firefox, where when you start entering an address in your nav bar, it first suggests already open tabs to switch to.
I find this much more reliable than the search bar finding something from history. I don’t do/need bookmarks
Firefox also searches bookmarks first after tabs and before history, so it’s really same difference…
Yeah I guess. Bookmarks feel like they pile up more than tabs and it’s tough to prune ones that don’t work anymore
Firefox, but I use the tree style tabs addon. Brings all of them into a vertical sidebar, and I can collapse and organize them easily.
A large chunk of the tabs are projects that I will “definitely revisit one day I swear” usually contained into their own window.
Finally someone who can compete with my 1100 tabs in 50 windows! About time I found some competition :-D
I miss when my tabs were that low…
It’s funny seeing a tweet of someone I know irl on Lemmy.
But as I told him when he first posted this 27 tabs is nothing. I’ve had hundreds. Firefox doesn’t even flinch the absolute Chad of a browser it is.
Firefox is better about it, but it doesn’t stop me from having several GB of RAM eaten up by all my tabs and windows.
27? I’ve got around 80 right now and 30,000 bookmarks.
You left off a