You can use Lutris, Heroic Games Launcher or Bottles on Steam Deck, I recommend Heroic for simplicity, though Lutris has more features and gives more control.
You can either use Steam via adding an exe as a non-steam game running proton or manage it seperately using something called Lutris. In my opinion its easier to use Lutris as you get more control over the options so look into it.
I guess Telltale wants to go bankrupt again making a return with an Epic exclusive.
Depends on how much Epic pays them for it.
Then I guess epic is buying us all a copy again.
Any idea if there’s a way of getting it running on a Steam Deck? I really don’t want to fuck around with Epic
Wait a year for it to come to Steam, which is what I’ll be doing.
Yeah at least at that point all the episodes will be out and you can play them through
You can use Lutris, Heroic Games Launcher or Bottles on Steam Deck, I recommend Heroic for simplicity, though Lutris has more features and gives more control.
There is the Heroic Launcher which is a launcher that works for epic games under Linux.
But then I’d still have to have an epic account and buy it through their storefront right?
Yeah there is no legal way around that when a game is epic exclusive.
You can browse the store through the launcher too but in the end you’ll buy it through epic still.
You can either use Steam via adding an exe as a non-steam game running proton or manage it seperately using something called Lutris. In my opinion its easier to use Lutris as you get more control over the options so look into it.
Anyone knows the performance of it? Can’t find any info online.