• @[email protected]
    677 months ago

    The article puts the “overwhelmed” statement in auotes but doesn’t attribute it to anyone, & later in the article states > the rise in respiratory illnesses has not resulted in patient loads that exceed hospital capacities.

    Passing on misleading/clickbait headlines should be discouraged IMO. Also, why are articles being posted without any comments or justification/reasons for sharing the article?

    • @[email protected]
      147 months ago

      They link to this in the article:


      With the outbreak of pneumonia in China, children’s hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning and other places were overwhelmed with sick children, and schools and classes were on the verge of suspension. Parents questioned whether the authorities were covering up the epidemic.

      In the early morning, Beijing Children’s Hospital was still overcrowded with parents and children whose children had pneumonia and came to seek treatment. Mr. [W], a Beijing citizen: “Many, many are hospitalized. They don’t cough and have no symptoms. They just have a high temperature (fever) and many develop pulmonary nodules.”

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      That followed an alert on Tuesday by ProMED, a publicly available reporting system for emerging diseases and outbreaks, saying that hospitals in Beijing and elsewhere in China were “overwhelmed with sick children” amid outbreaks of pneumonia.

  • @cornstar
    57 months ago

    This title reads like clickbait for parents with sick kids