While many great puzzle games have a fixed number of levels, I’d like to find more with procedurally-generated levels to maximize replay value. Aside from Minesweeper games, so far I’ve found the following ones:
- Hexcells Infinite
- InfiniPicross 2.0
- Lines Infinite
- Linklight
The Witness has a secret area with some.
Modders have made witness random puzzle generators: https://github.com/sigma144/witness-randomizer
Or, if you would like a different experience, you can also play with unlockable items at Archipelago.gg
It has what now? I guess I have to play it again, again.
It’s called the challenge. I won’t spoil how you find it, but it’s extremely well hidden and even just getting there can be a pain without looking up a guide. Once you get there you have something like 3 minutes to finish a variety of puzzles, each of which is randomly generated (one of which is randomly generated based on your solution to a previous randomly generated puzzle). They aren’t insanely difficult per se, but you definitely need pretty good mastery of all the mechanics to get them done.
Unfortunately, and sorry for the spoiler, but the reward is disappointing. Mostly worth it for the steam achievement. If you like philosophy videos then it unlocks one of those. If you don’t know about the philosophy videos then there’s a lot about the game you haven’t found yet.
OK thanks for this info. On my next-up list when I finish The Talos Principle 2.
I think Shapez levels become procedural after a certain number of predetermined ones?
While true, the last task is to create a general purpose machine so there’s no puzzle anymore. Only thing left to do is to make it go faster.
I cannot believe no one mentioned Minesweeper yet!
While Minesweeper’s a great example, since random levels are a feature of nearly every Minesweeper iteration in existence, I mentioned in my post that I was excluding such games from the list. For those looking for such a game though, Globesweeper and Tilesweeper are great options.
Oh crap, egg on my face. Too eager to make the joke I just skimmed the list you posted and went tee hee. Shoulda coulda read the rest of the post too, sorry.
No worries, Minesweeper’s definitely a classic!
Voxelgram is a 3d picross clone. It has random puzzles it can craft for you. It’s also available on android
Hoplite maybe? It’s on mobile but is a lot of fun.
I recently came accross Lisa Mona thanks to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rthNKvnWEvs&t=217s
I didn’t actually play it but it is presented as a “randomized puzzle roguelike”. Maybe not exactly what you are asking for but here you are.
This one is a bit out there, but I feel like Backpack Battles is a series of self-generated puzzles.
It’s an autobattler where you shop between each round to buy items and bags, and items affect other items in specific positions around them. So, you’re constantly trying to react to what the shop is offering you to build a combo (and get balanced defenses), then rearrange your bag to try to maximize your item synergies.
It’s completely free to play in early access until its full release in April. And the global leaderboards are very active. Good luck getting to Master Rank, let alone Grandmaster! (I’ve plateaued in Diamond… I need to work on my early game.)