This one is always divisive. Some people think they’re ugly and useless, others think they’re good to keep on to protect your spokes in the worst case scenario.
I just got back from the garage from cutting mine off (and unfortunately it wasn’t a low quality/thin one so it took forever). I’m not against them per se but after about 1200km of riding, I noticed that it started to rattle and it was annoying me.
What do you guys/gals/pals think of them?
I am a dork so I keep it in for identification purposes.
I might install one just to bug the bike snobs.
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I like the looks of a bike without them but not enough to remove them unless I have the casette off.
They’re fine. I won’t look down upon anyone who leaves theirs on. However, I’m a snob and take them off all of my bikes. The bike looks cleaner without the disc.
I think the term is unhelpful. I would not have one on my bikes (I had to remove one from a carbon canyon), but i can adjust a derailleur. But they are practical and keeping a practical item doesn’t make people dorks. We should show love to all cyclists regardless their bike or gear - we are an endangered species!
This one always gets a chuckle out of me when I see how strongly people feel about it. Obviously if it’s causing any issues while riding like in your case it’s gotta go, but outside of that I don’t even notice them on bikes half the time. I had to check my bike just now to see if I have mine on (I do 😅)