I feel like it’s one of those autonomic behaviors like breathing where it only really becomes noticeable when you think about it, but I’m not sure.
I believe your brain will just kind of edit them out, similar to how it edits out your nose or glasses.
Anyone else 100% aware of their glasses at all times?
Who else immediately blinked after the title?
This thread is cursed. Everything is manual now.
Right. The same goes for clothes that you wear - you don’t really feel the fabric on your skin unless you really pay attention.
Normally, no. Though if low on sleep and exhausted I can sometimes startle myself with a blink.
I’ve read the comments and did all of those things.
Do you feel more embodied?
Yes, and I hate it.
Have you considered where your tongue is sitting in your mouth?
Alone in the Dark has a blinking mechanic that made me really think about it.
The worst one for me is thinking about salivating and swallowing
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Do you think about all the saliva you swallow?
Nah most people don’t even notice we have a blind spot in each eye, our brains just ignore most of our sensory data.
If I’m tired or had bad sleep the night before, blinking can make my whole view kinda wobble. So I notice it then without previously thinking about it. But otherwise no not really. I have to at least be thinking of it somewhat to notice it.