Unlike some older mods that caused problems with how the game’s physics worked, this one keeps everything in check.
Nice, the old 60fps mod was janky and caused more problems than it was worth. Might have to play Rivals again with this one.
I might be alone in preferring 30 fps for most games
Looks more “cinematic” to me, if that makes sense.
Not really no, have you regularly played on stable high fps? Could understand if your rig struggles with some games and sutters so you ate locking the fps but preferring 30 over a stable 90 just looks insane to me.
30fps may be fine for a game like Red Dead Redemption, but a racing game @30fps is universally bad
Mario kart 64 would beg to differ! /s
30 isn’t bad, but higher is generally better. There are diminishing returns after 120 though, and I don’t think anyone could actually use 240fps.
Have you ever played on a 240 / 280 / 360 Hz Display? Or played an esports title where low frametimes/ input delay are important? The difference in how fluid and responsive a game feels is massive between 120 and 240+ fps.
120 -> 240 isn’t nearly as massive as 10 -> 20. That’s why it’s diminishing returns, each frame is less improvement as the numbers get higher.
So you haven’t. Got it.
Movies are able to get away with 24 fps because cameras have a natural motion blur. Games don’t have that natural motion blur so you are left with terrible input lag from 30fps and stutters performance of 30fps.
I have never had a game look more cinematic from 30fps and not 60 or 120.
I don’t disagree but I can prefer 30 fps right? I never said 30 fps is objectively better, it’s just a preference. I’m not trying to be a contrarian, I’m just surprised it’s so controversial to have this opinion.