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Games that have fallen to $20 also have the nice advantage of having most of their bugs worked out and the vast majority of the balance passes complete. It’s easily the best time to buy and play a game.
Depending on the game though the online scene may have died out by the time the game is discounted.
Depending on the game the modding scene may be much better than at release
20€ mark is a common one for me also. Another benefit from waiting is that you can avoid newest hardware purchase
They can raise it to $90 if it makes them feel better and I’m still a buyer at $10 or less, and an immoral archivist until then.
Preach it 🙌
SoF 2, still playing it to this day.
It’s kinda funny how much faster it is now compared to when it came out, almost like the hardware got better or something
I always wait for sales. No way I’m aying $70
Same here. I wait for sales.
There’s nothing coming out AAA these days that’s worth the price of admission or pre-ordering. Blizzard hasn’t made anything worth playing for years, I don’t give a shit about the yearly reskin of Call of Duty, Starfield was a try before you buy with Gamepass - it really feels there hasn’t been anything in years worth getting at full price. Even Baulder’s Gate, which I would consider worth the full price, I picked up below average price prior to official launch.
I am pirating EVERYTHING now.
I wait until it costs 20 € or less. No need to hurry, if it’s a game is good now, it will be good in 2 years.
*it will be better
Same. Especially since every game basically barely runs on release day, I don’t get why people don’t wait for a sale to get it.
If you pay $80 (or whatever) for a game that’s full of bugs on release day, you’re just a sucker.
I’m underutilizing my rig tbh. I’ve been playing primarily Factorio for the past few years. My monthly game spending is low. Tempted to get a steam deck for mobile Factorio with mods, though.
Just started playing Starsector. My rig isn’t some obnoxious beast…but like Starsector doesn’t even have a recommended cpu. You only need like 1gb of ram and a gfx card from over a decade ago.
Hard to say, because none of the games with that price tag so far have piqued my interest in getting them on release in the slightest. If anything, it’s surprising how pretty much all my favorite games this year (Hi-Fi Rush, Talos Principle 2, Cocoon, Jusant) were available on release for just ~30€.
Given that AAA games have become very samey, I have found myself drawn to more interesting titles from a plethora of other devs. These titles also have the nice advantage of almost never costing anywhere near $70 on release, not that I tend to buy them on release, I just add them to my wish-list while I buy something cheap that came out earlier.
Recently, if it’s through Steam, I haven’t bought hardly anything. And the last things I’ve bought were either under $20 or on sale for under that price. Otherwise, the most expensive game I’ve bought in the last year was Pokemon Violet. Otherwise I have bought some used old games from a nearby shop for a cheap enough price.
Though I do have plans to buy some indie games on my Steam list, some of which I first pirated and played, when I have the money because I’d much rather my money be going towards those indie devs than [insert soulless multi-million dollar company #3859].
Been buying for under €20 the lasts 5 years or so. Can’t see this trend changing anytime soon.
Good AAA games are rare these days. If there’s something I want from them I can it buy 2nd hand or during a sale. Been having the time of my life with indie games for so long now I can’t remember the last big title I bought.
I’ve never bought a $70 game and probably never will. $60 was too much for me. I think this is the point where I continue to just step out of the mainstream gaming field.
#oldergamers #gamingbacklog #patientgamers #steamsales
No, I still wait 1-2 years and buy them for a few € at at least 70% discount. I can wait… Like horizon zero dawn costs 11€, hogwarts legacy 33€ or starfield already at 40€
I haven’t purchased games on release day for a LONG time, unless it’s a game I just simply cannot wait. Everything else is on Steam for 75-90% off.
There’s really no point. Nearly every game launches these days completely broken. They have a ton of DLC or “special” editions for $150 CAD, and overall it’s a shit experience.
Buy that shit for 75% off, complete edition, and full of bug fixes (or mods that fix everything).