A lot of my files were shitty 480p versions of movies from the Napster days. Now they’re all 1080p, with a few 720p exceptions (mainly tv series episodes). All in all 500 something files in total. Now just watching uTorrent slowly download them all. Hopefully my VPN keeps the eyes off of me…
Excellent info. Thank you!
If only qbittorrent hadn’t had that idiotic redesign that made it look like a fisherprice toy.
not really sure what you mean (maybe i didnt notice or it was before i started using it?) but to each their own I guess?
You didn’t even mention QBittorrent’s best feature: it has a search engine that searches across lots of different torrent sites, so you don’t need to check each one!
Wait, really? I’m going to have to go check next time I log into my torrenting box.
IIRC you have to enable it separately, but it’s not very difficult to do. Just google it if you run into trouble
I agree that that is a very nice feature. So are the rss feeds.
But to me “best” is anything that makes it easier to avoid getting caught so the network interface binding is still my favorite 😉
Any setup required? I tried it out and my speeds were in the tens of megabits max. Pretty sure nothing was capped in settings.
Maybe? Been awhile since I’ve messed with my setup and while I don’t like slow, I prioritize security over speed so my settings might not be what you want anyway. so I’d recommend just looking up a guide; it is an extremely popular torrent client and there should be tons of guides out there. Or if you not sure which guide to use, just create a new post here - lot of people use it and probably have set it up from scratch more recently than me. I know some people say to open ports on the router but i’ve never liked the idea (I view it as less secure) but some people swear by it.
I can recommend that you test the following:
edit: just searched on dbzer0 and wasn’t seeing much on this. I did find a reddit post and a makeuseof guide that both mention stuff about improving speed. For the reddit one, I think the patched exe they are talking about is likely a dev build and since that was from a few years ago, whatever fix is probably already merged in and no longer needed. will compare the other settings vs mine and post back
edit2: are are the differences i have from the guide:
ipconfig /all
and look for something that is NOT disconnected and probably hasTAP-Windows Adapter Vx
if using OpenVPN-Protocol (most VPNs) but might be different for wireguard. For Linux users, to show network interfaces runip -4 -o -br addr
- usually in linux ethernet interfaces start with anE
and wifi interfaces start with aW
is localhost, and 99% of the time the vpn interface will be namedtun0
if you are using a VPN with OpenVPN-protocol (most of them) but might be something different for wireguard or if you have customized things.