There’s always this deluge of posts of the absolute horror of nVidia in Linux.
Yes, nVidia is an evil capitalistic company. No they don’t care much about Linux. Except when it suits them. Right now it’s in the data center.
But then, AMD doesn’t care that much either. Why would they, there aren’t really any Linux users. They’re both soulless corporation that would sell your children’s kidney’s without a second thought if they could make a dollar from it.
Now in practice, whatever you use, stuff mostly works 99.5 % of the time. There’s no difference between nVidia and AMD (or intel), they all work fine.
Don’t get drawn in stupid corporate dick sucking contests, it’s completely pointless. Use what you want, or what you have, it doesn’t matter.
My Brother device’s scanner works perfectly, be it from the feeder or the flatbed, one sided or two sided, all through the network. It replaces an old USB Canon Lide60 which replaces a SCSI something that I’ve forgotten. They all worked fine.
It’s whether they end users fix your own problems, or force you into techno-feudalism where the only way to get a problem fixed is to hope the company cares enough to fix it for you.
The simplest example of Nvidia completely failing here is old hardware support. AMD cards doesn’t have that problem because the drivers are open source and upstream. These new Nvidia drivers don’t sound like they’ll help - they’re not maintainable and therefore not upstreamable.
Yes, it’s a theoretical example of “if I want to run my 15 year old gaming hardware with a modern kernel, it’s not supported any more, the horror”. Ok. If that’s techno-feudalism for you, so be it. I find it to be a rather silly take.
There’s always this deluge of posts of the absolute horror of nVidia in Linux.
Yes, nVidia is an evil capitalistic company. No they don’t care much about Linux. Except when it suits them. Right now it’s in the data center.
But then, AMD doesn’t care that much either. Why would they, there aren’t really any Linux users. They’re both soulless corporation that would sell your children’s kidney’s without a second thought if they could make a dollar from it.
Now in practice, whatever you use, stuff mostly works 99.5 % of the time. There’s no difference between nVidia and AMD (or intel), they all work fine.
Don’t get drawn in stupid corporate dick sucking contests, it’s completely pointless. Use what you want, or what you have, it doesn’t matter.
Tell that to my scanner.
My Brother device’s scanner works perfectly, be it from the feeder or the flatbed, one sided or two sided, all through the network. It replaces an old USB Canon Lide60 which replaces a SCSI something that I’ve forgotten. They all worked fine.
The issue isn’t whether the “company cares”.
It’s whether they end users fix your own problems, or force you into techno-feudalism where the only way to get a problem fixed is to hope the company cares enough to fix it for you.
The simplest example of Nvidia completely failing here is old hardware support. AMD cards doesn’t have that problem because the drivers are open source and upstream. These new Nvidia drivers don’t sound like they’ll help - they’re not maintainable and therefore not upstreamable.
Yes, it’s a theoretical example of “if I want to run my 15 year old gaming hardware with a modern kernel, it’s not supported any more, the horror”. Ok. If that’s techno-feudalism for you, so be it. I find it to be a rather silly take.