Article says it will be at 3pm UK time.
My big hope is the same it’s been for years, a port of Windwaker. Truly the only thing I want to emulate and can’t on my switch
Absolutely. I’ve been hyperfixated in Wind Waker since I finished Skyward Sword. I don’t want to buy an GameCube or a WiiU to play it again. The rumor is that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess have been completed for a few years now. I want Twilight Princess, but I need Wind Waker. It’s probably my favorite game in the series, and definitely my favorite 3D game.
For what its worth, if you have a decent PC wii U emulates flawlessly, to the point where you can play BotW at 60fps with no frame drops. GC is even easier although that might have some audio issues.
Can confirm, I’m half way through Wind Waker playing on my laptop with 0 issues.
Windwaker is the only 3D Zelda I haven’t played yet. I’ve been waiting on these rumors for years. Please, Nintendo!
Fingers crossed for a shadow drop of Metroid Prime 2 and 3 ports
Is there any active Metroid community on the Fediverse? I need it so bad
That’d be good. Show off Prime 4, then drop 2 and 3 to build hype. It has been rumoured for a long while that Nintendo is just sitting on 2 and 3 ports. Supposedly remastered textures, but not fully remade to the level of Prime 1 with new models. I’d be excited for that.
I’m expecting nothing less than Persona 3 Remake, Megaten 6, Mario Kart 9, Zelda BOTW3, ARMS 2 and Megaman Legend 3
Oh, and silksong
Woah dude hold your expectation
Bro expects
Also smash 6
Might as well add half-life 3 and portal 3 to that list
And a Mother 3 localisation while we’re at it!
Don’t forget the Chrono Trigger remake, the new 2D Mario, the Paper Mario TYD port, and the new F-Zero. The rumor mill’s been going craaazy lately.
Here’s to hoping for a new Wave Race.
I would love to see Genshin Impact announcement. My PC sucks a lot of power and I’m not zoomer enough to enjoy the controls on a phone.
It would be amazing, personally I hope for some cloud gaming solution
I want to see a port of Windwaker!
Nintendo seems determined to never give us this… How many Wii U games are even left that didn’t get ported aside from the Zelda HD versions?!
I mean, I don’t actually know the answer to this, but whatever just give us the Wind Waker
Considering how well the Super Mario movie worked out for Illumination, I’m expecting to hear something about a new movie or short TV series. Maybe more Mario, maybe Legend of Zelda. In any case, there’s no way Nintendo won’t be going hard in that direction now that they see what a gold mine it is.
My knee-jerk reaction is I’d love a Zelda movie, but I’m nervous it wouldn’t translate to the big screen very well for several reasons
It could. Here’s an interesting idea: make the film be the prologue to the entire series. Set the film at the very beginning of the timeline.
One concept that popped up on tumblr a while back is either a miniseries of movie-length episodes, or a multi-season series of standard episodes, where each episode/season is self-contained, and tells The Legend Of Zelda, as told by a different person each time, corresponding to the games
E.g.: season 1 is told by a grandma in a cabin in the forest (for the original game). Another season is told by a seafaring family (for Wind Waker). Etc.
Each season/episode has the same actors playing the same characters, but the costumes, the details, the sets, etc. are varied between stories.
This is the year Mother 3 will be localized 🤡
Splatoon 3 Side Order please!
All I want is new Metroid and an FE4 remake, I’m setting my personal bar low.
style savvy announcement or i riot
Maybe they’ll confirm the rumoured Fire Emblem 4 remake? I think enough time has passed since Engage that it wouldn’t be completely overshadowed.
Kirby Air Ride 2 time?
Jk, I’d rather today’s Nintendo didn’t underdevelop the game like they did with Mario golf, tennis, and switch sports.
I’m just waiting for the next Animal Crossing…
I’m hopeful that this will be a strong showing for RPGs. Even if the 2D Mario rumors prove true. Their holiday season still sounds like it could be light. But it would be a good opportunity to for FFT remaster, DQ3 2D-HD, or some other RPG to show up. Persona 3 Remake has an unlisted video that lists Switch even though the updated press release excluded it. So that might show up here too. I’ve seen some speculation about F-Zero being back or a Paper Mario TTYD remaster coming. But while I’m not saying it is impossible. I just really don’t want to get my hopes up too much.
If we see anything longer than 30 seconds for Everybody 1-2 Switch, this thing will be doomed.