For me it feels like breaking up with someone after many years. At the same time, I feel a bit dirty mentioning the name in the post title.
For me it feels like breaking up with someone after many years. At the same time, I feel a bit dirty mentioning the name in the post title.
Kinda. But I don’t care about Reddit itself. I care about a few communities and the people from there. I know a couple of them are here. But we are scattered and trying to figure out this site.
Time will tell if this sticks or not. I pretty much hope so.
If someone finds a Lemmy equivalent to r/Grimdank or r/40klore please let me know.
Yeah same. I have no real love for Reddit itself, but it has so many subreddits dedicates to very specific interests. They’re so easy to find and they can turn into such a treasure trove of information. I’ll stop using Reddit as my “main” social media, but I’ll probably still use it just for certain subreddits.
I also am looking for a replacement Grimdank. May the Machine God guide us to a new grimdark shitpost repository.
I’ve only found minipainting so far, but I’ll look out for 40k specific too