Feels like something my wife and I signed up for ages ago and haven’t seen a penny. Not that I find it at all surprising, but it feels like it got pretty close to actually happening…
If you aren’t from the US, how was your higher education experience?
I don’t care if it passes SCOTUS or not. I say this as someone with current student loans, what matters most is directing that money towards public institutions to drive down tuition for students right now.
Forgiving student debt doesn’t solve the problem, it just pushes it onto the next generation. Let’s actually solve the tuition crisis first.
Making college education free is what I was thinking. We already funded public education, what one more for college/universities? Our country is mostly operated on high skill workforce, so why not make it a policy in this country?
We should, at minimum, undo the cuts to college that happened in the great recession. I’ll be over here holding my breath.
deleted by creator
I go to a private practice doc because the mega hospitals have a 6 month wait for my needs. It costs $170 for a med check every 3 months. My doctor owns an aeroplane.
It’s waiting on the supreme court: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-student-loan-debt-relief-what-to-know/
I’m sure that’ll go well
Biden already said that it’s ending, regardless of the SCOTUS decision
That’s the loan payments pause, not the forgiveness program
It’ll be decided by the SCOTUS sometime this month.
I think it’s still tied up in the courts thanks to the GOP challenging it last I heard. Admittedly I’ve not paid super close attention so some progress might’ve been made since then but that was the last news I remember reading on that.
One of the main payment processors that was named said that they weren’t even asked if they wanted to be party to the case. The people complaining literally do not have standing.
If i’m not mistaken, the decision is in the hands of the US supreme court atm. So… I probably wouldn’t hold my breath.
I live in Canada so this is my student loan experience: sign up and fill out documents for provincial student loans, received an amount that covered tuition plus a little bit of rent for the years (until graduation), and then had zero interest on the loans for the duration of the pandemic.
In 10 years if I still haven’t paid everything off, the debt will be absolved.
sighs in American
In 10 years if I still haven’t paid everything off, the debt will be absolved.
brb going back in my time machine and convincing my parents to move to Canada before I was born
Were you notified that you were approved? The policy was challenged and is now awaiting SCOTUS decision. I think folks were expecting a decision either this Thursday or Friday, or perhaps next Thursday or Friday. We’ll see, though.
this is what happens when you vote for biden. he pretends to support leftist policies to win your vote, and then immediately backstabs you and avoids doing what he promised. we’re still waiting on $2k checks as well.
If there were a progressive candidate in the general election I would’ve voted for them 🤷 Believe me I didn’t vote for Biden with much hope for anything changing for the better in the country.
as if a progressive president would have been able to do more than biden. they’d be obstructed the same by republicans ans scotus, if not more
green party exists. also you could’ve voted for someone other than biden in the primary.
if you’re actually interested in making political change and you don’t like Democrats, possibly the worst alternative avenue you can channel that through is the Greens. the Greens, and i cannot stress this enough, are not a serious left-wing alternative, and you cannot make them be one by protest voting. they aren’t even on the same page as to what “left” means–there is a principled ecosocialist wing, but also a massive crank wing that pollutes the party–and most of their state parties are completely atrophied. your time is almost certainly better spent joining an actual socialist organization like Socialist Alternative or DSA, or just foregoing electoral action entirely. look up how to organize your workplace, or volunteer with Food Not Bombs if you’re interested in the second half.
I pretty much just vote for whoever pushes leftist policies and is on the ballot. 9 times out of 10 that’s green party.
First of all, they specifically said general election. You’re making an assumption that they voted Biden in the primary.
Second, a vote for the green party was basically a vote for Trump in the last 2 general elections.
Third, in reference to your comment slightly higher up on the thread, Biden did what he could to cancel 20k in student debt. The reason it hasn’t happened is 100% due to republican lawsuits.
But you just go ahead and keep feeling betrayed.
Biden has been fighting for it. The Republicans have been hard against it and pushing back. It’s going to the courts now.
except he hasn’t. at most he said something about 10k being cancelled, not student debt entirely. meaning many people will still have plenty of debt even if biden’s thing passes.
meaning many people will still have plenty of debt even if biden’s thing passes.
this is literally a case of you preferring perfect over good actually being done, to the detriment of everyone. while i would also prefer total cancellation, for a majority of debt-holders, up to $20k in forgiveness would wipe out their student loan debt.
to put it another way: a much more constructive way of considering this policy, in my view, is to frame it as “this is good… and we can make it better”, not to downplay how substantial even this cutoff point is for a huge number of people. it’s not Bad Actually because we’re only ending student loan debt for like 50% of borrowers and not 100%!
somehow I don’t see the GOP alternative performing any better on this issue.
I hope my student loans are forgiven soon. My realtor friend alerted me to a nice lakeside property that I would love to snatch up before I tour Europe in the Fall.
Yeah lol people getting Pell Grants are getting multi-million dollar lakeside properties and touring Europe.
They’re totally not just scraping by while paying out the nose for everything - causing generations to be significantly behind in home ownership, accrued wealth, or raising families.
People (like you, not you specifically) on the right moan about demographic collapse while not doing a thing to fix the reasons people cannot afford children or to even keep a roof over their heads.
Do you think that a significant number of people who would benefit from some amount of student loan forgiveness are in this situation? Do you believe that it would be good to do nothing so that some undeserving people aren’t helped as well?
As far as I know, it’s pretty much dead in the water.
It’s been in the news pretty consistently…