Are there any full featured alternatives to PhotoPrism? I’d be happy to support their devs but charging almost $80 a year for basic features like having more than one user is kind of absurd. At that cost I’d rather just pay for the extra dirt cheap storage from Google and keep things there.
That said, I’d really love to continue moving everything I can away from the big G and photos is a sticking point because I have a wife and child and other family members who depend on it.
Check out Immich, it’s nearly a full google photos replacement
But in mind that Immich is not stable for now ! It is not un common to deal with broken database or lost data.
It’s been quite stable for me. I have nearly 35,000 photos/videos saved and haven’t had a single issue
Yeah me too but it happens. Dealing with family pictures playing safe is not a crazy thing to do.
I use Nextcloud photos. It is far from perfect but it is OK. I hate lack of good Mobile App.
@gofireworks, @shortcake, and @JeremyT. Thank you all for the suggestion of Immich. This looks like the one. It looks like it’s only been around since early last year which would explain why I didn’t find it last time I looked for a replacement.
Immich. Google photos replacement. Their big thing is being a backup solution but I really like the sorting, sharing and more.
This was asked about a month ago on reddit. Obviously there are excellent alternatives, I personally use Immich and Nextcloud. If you are certain that you want Photoprism but don’t want to pay, then you can just set
in the deployment environment variables and it should unlock everything.Is there any repercussions to be expected if you use that without really being a sponsor?
Other than that not being ethical and feeling bad about it.
Thanks for that. I’ve got Immich deployed and it’s already parsed my entire library thanks to some heaving lifting from my GPU. I think I like it and will just stay with it.
I thought that stopped working when they instituted the new system where you have to link your account
I was able to get the cuda docker container working along the main docker container. It processed 19,000 photos in one night while I slept. I just wish it did gpu transcoding.
I’m liking nextcloud memories.
I’m still in testing phase. At the moment i am doing the traditional way. Manual sorting (assisted by digicam), synced on various pc via syncthing, then put a simple gallery via pigallery2.
But i like the idea of an automatic gallery where everyone in the family can automatically upload a la google photos. Immich can do that, but looks resource intensive.
Because I already have a nextcloud install, I enabled “nextcloud memories” and looks fine. I copied 5% of my gallery for testing and looks great.
I’m all in on Owncloud for now. But Immich looks like it’s exactly what I’m looking for!
I’m curious: what’s the use case for multiple users? Seems like PhotoPrism is a fancy photo gallery. Not sure how multiple users is needed for that.
What are the other basic features that aren’t available for free?
giving access to family, a shared gallery + private ones. It’s the bare minimum. You know otherwise mom is calling “ah i lost my phone” - and the last backup was done in 2012 saved on some cheap DVDs with disc rot