The Indian IT company is owned by the prime minister’s wife’s family although Sunak has insisted the matter is of “no legitimate public interest”.
Yes sir. None of beeswax, m’lud. Understood.
Infosys is an IT equivalent of sweatshops.
You know he is going to swan off to the USA as soon as he looses the election. There will be a reason he will not investigate the tax fraud that the audit office said was happening. The people of Uxbridge should be ashamed of what they voted back. He is piggy backing on their ignorance to make money for his family.
Pathetic. Medieval kings had more fear of the peasants revolting than these corrupt bastards do now. Way past time we re-instilled that fear.
Peasants could match the medieval Kings of Europe in a lot of ways. The force Kings could apply without using peasants was limited to knights that were dispersed across the country and a small number of professional guards/soldiers. The weapons these forces used were more powerful than the peasants but could be overcome through sheer numbers. If the peasants withheld their labour, the Kings would starve and the kingdom would fall apart.
Most states now have a large professional police force and military that is extremely well equipped with weapons and intelligence that modern peasantry cannot come close to matching. These forces are mobile enough to deploy rapidly throughout the jurisdiction. And the labour of the peasants has largely been offshored or supplanted with temporary foreign work.
Kings were right to fear peasants in the past because the peasants represented a credible threat. This is no longer the case in the modern world. We are entirely at the mercy of those in power to play by our imaginary rules for democracy. If those in power choose to ignore those rules, the rest of us peasants have very little effective recourse.
The pandemic showed we just have to stop going to work in great enough numbers. I know it’s a pipe dream, we’re too divided, there’s too many that would betray their class, etc etc., but theoretically we do have recourse. Even mass unionization would help.
The next tory crime family
Crime?!? These are perfectly legal deals. Knowledge is power and everyone’s going to die anyway. The man is simply providing for his poor family while he has some power. It’s not his fault if these IT surveillance people happen to peek at his documents (heavy /s)
It’s scary how much knowledge these folks have access to…
They’re like robber barons who know their time is up so they are grabbing what they can for themselves and their mates while burning the place down.
How do you get them to put rules in place that stop them from being corrupt. It’s a crappy downward slope.
The French had a good solution.
I believe it’s called marching in the streets (explosive devices optional) until they remember who their powers come from.
Line him and his family up against the wall and shoot them.
I’m done with platitudes and civil courtesies, let’s slay some wealth hoarding dragons.
Lol Sunak is nothing in front of Buffet, Bezos, Gates etc. Let’s start in an Alphabetical order.
Because that worked out so well in Russia
There should be a limit on how corrupt one party can be.
Crooks, crooks… Whether it’s in the UK, France, Canada, US and etc. these crooks are everywhere. Surely these fine people must attend some kind of monthly get together and devise a strategy on how to feed shit and bollocks to the common folks.
I’m shocked! A billionaire politician – corrupt! Who would have thought!
Shocker! /s
This happens with all politicians regardless of party and country. That’s just politics, hasn’t changed in over a millenia.
I would argue it’s rich people and not politicians in general. We have some kind of poor politicians (<1 million) and the never do bullshit like that while we also have rich politicians which all the time do stuff like that.
There are politicians that really try to serve the people and there are politicians that are only in the game for money and power and we need to sort that out!
Look, I’m older than the majority of the crowd around here; I’ve lived in several countries and unfortunately that’s the way it is with politicians. Sure, I don’t doubt there are a few here and there who are “idealists”, but if they stay long enough in politics, they’ll join the group who wants power and money. And it happens with the left and the right. Some politicians are happy with a steady income of a few thousand of dollars and some with billions of dollars deals.
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Let’s not do the racist bit…
I can be just as ridiculous and say “god another white guy. All they do is colonize and propagte an imperialist attitude. They topple governments for their own wealth and the wealth of their cronies. It’s the same story again and again and again throughout history, White Western Man uses force of government to enrich himself at the expense of an entire country of people. We have the same problem with white people in the US!”
(I’m white by the way lol not that it makes racism correct.)
Bro stop generalizing. I am white and I am poor. Can you call then out with their nationality. Like Musk is south African etc…
I was talking about racism being ridiculous and using an example made specifically to be ridiculous. I don’t actually hold what I said to be a real truth.
People do shitty things, white, black, Australian to Japanese, it doesn’t matter. People are shitty, not whole races/nationalities.
Whites are native from that land. In your idea of feeling superior youll ignore corruption and evilness. Look how much you criticize your PM in your comment. May God help your country if that’s the quality of men the UK has now
I think you completely missed the point of my comment.
It was simply to state racism is ridiculous.
Indian people are not a problem just as white people aren’t a problem. PEOPLE are a problem when they’re lead by greed and selfishness. An Indian person can be as much of a shithead as any white guy, African guy, whatever. It’s individuals, not whole races.
You saying Caucasians are native to the US? Lmao
Of course not retard. They are however the ones who built it
That would be the Mexicans and Africans you kept as slaves, dear.
TIL the Brits who colonized Africa, India and hordes of other nations were actually natives
Follow your leader.
He was born in the UK you cretin. Take your culture wars somewhere else.
Add another smooth brained loser to the ban pile
Lol WTF! he’s Indian? I thought he was british. Can anyone become PM of Britain ?? Fuck! times have changed. A colonizer now being colonized 🤣🤣
You don’t know the difference between a conqueror and an invader Raheesh.
Youre saying sunak is both a conqueror and an invader mildred ?