Apparently, I made a mistake when naming ProneButt to ProneButg. Is there a way to fix this mistake, without recreating the whole community?

  • @yayA
    21 year ago

    I could change it from db but I’m not sure about side effects. Recreating is the safe bet.

    • Horny But PoliteOP
      21 year ago

      Hmm. That’s fair. A change in this instance DB won’t propagate through to other instances though, correct? There is no event to publish.

      So it’ll appear correct here but elsewhere it’s the same.

      • @yayA
        01 year ago

        IDK maybe :) I checked and there is so much content. I’ll check what I can do.

        • Horny But PoliteOP
          21 year ago

          Do LMK… 125 posts is not too bad. I can potentially create the new community, cross post all the content, and use the new community. However, that’ll break the link in the cross post body because they refer to a post that no longer exists.

          If you want, I can also ask on selfhosted. I know admins are busy.