Lemmy currently doesn’t allow you to simply move an account to another instance but there are third party tools to help you replicate your current account at your new one (always handy to have a back-up, just in case).
Please can you point me in the right direction? I can find a few things on GitHub but they seem at a very early stage.
You are probably finding the same things as me and, as I haven’t done it, I can’t point you to a specific tool that does this well. You might be better off asking over at: !asklemmy@lemmy.world - someone there will have experience of this and more focused recommendations.
I’ve used a couple of random ones from Github that did the job. Just find a basic one that ticks the box and use that.
I’ve not noticed any issues with responsiveness or downtime. Would be quite cool to see some instance health stats like uptime, load etc.
Tried a couple of the scripts but didn’t have much luck with them (on linux).
So instead of fiddling with them for 2 days I spent that time manually transferring everything to other instances.
I’ve got https://github.com/wescode/lemmy_migrate bookmarked but I’ve not tried it out yet